Got banned for autohotkey?

he can get he’s money back doesn’t matter what blizzard does.
in EU its fairly easy and WoW is filled with macro users and none of them gets banned and its filled with 3rd party programs and i know alot more big games that has the same.

and i don’t understand how he benefits by macroing he’s right click mouse button cause there is zero advantage but ya’ll would know if you actually played the game.

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Obviously within reason though right? Like maybe 30-90 days of purchase. If that has been taken away, bada bing bada boom refund.

Like if you bought the latest avengers game when it came out and they shut down the servers a few years later. Nah, no refund.

Sure, there’s usually a grace period of sort on most things, in this case there was an open beta for free, policies and stuff do change though, I’ve never really heard too much about a ban for ahk. It’s possible the bans don’t happen often, or the person getting banned for it was doing it maliciously so they don’t post, who knows.

Edit: It’s why I don’t really think the whole story was posted here for everyone to see, who knows what other software may or may not be on OPs computer running, Blizzard won’t give specifics as to why the ban happened, they’re vague.

The needs of the many FAR OUTWEIGH the needs of the few.

It would bring too many problems with it with too few solutions and too few people to defend against it. You’re fighting a losing battle… I already have physical ailments my dude. Can I get some cheats for those?

Honestly for something like Auto Hotkey in D4 to be banned for… If it’s true this is outrageous to me.

I understand in like an FPS game where using auto hotkey to mitigate recoil automatically is bannable. But in Diablo 4? That some major bull… (if it’s true).

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It’s also insanely common and used for a multitude of things, so yea, hard to tell if it was because of that or not.

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It’s all irrelavent it expressly says in the ToS that using Macros is not allowed and you can be banned for it.

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So you didn’t read the ToS either. If you read then the fact they don’t allow Macro use should be no suprise to you at this point.

It’s not really the point though, AutoHotkey is the least of their worries macroing or not.
There’s other ways to macro that can’t be detected, if he was banned for AutoHotKey it’s more like they are hammering down on a part of the playerbase for no reason.

There’s already AI bots based on Model Learning in D4. Which is a bigger problem.

Only reason i can see to ban for AutoHotKey is if it is used to activate some major exploit in the game.

Miss me with your keyboard vomit of “MACROING IS AGAINST TOS”.
I’m not a drone and will never comply with this drone way of thinking. :v:

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I recommend an xbox controller if your hands hurt, I have one too because my wrists hate me and it’s really nice, the controller support is great in this game

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An impressive display of mental gymnastics. How did you get that outta that reply? We’re talking about some light macroing for people with physical limitations and challenges.

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This is not always the case. Builds like Twisting Blades Rogue that use Puncture require almost non stop clicking at every enemy encounter. The accessibility features will only prioritize the button that is pressed first and will not alternate between two buttons if they are held down simultaneously (which it should).

Additionally, I would wager that this fellow was not banned for just using autohotkey, but rather experimenting with a few bots. I can’t name names here, but some people were quick to push out bots (for money, of course), and Blizzard took swift action to ban these accounts. As far as I’m aware, there have been a couple ban waves already.

Blizzard is extremely unforgiving with the use of third party software and will permanently ban accounts with no warning the moment the hint of evidence arises-- That should be known to anyone who experiments using any such software.

say goodbye to your bnet Account man

This aint PoE lol, using AHK in Blizz games = ban

Never said they do or they should. Because Blizzard’s position is not in question here. It’s the other players’ position, other players that are quick to get a hard on for policing others because formally Blizzard’s TOS was broken and they automatically witch-hunt them without understanding any nuance. What do other players care for Blizzard’s TOS, eh? It’s none of their business. Yet, they swarm like vultures on someone who did nothing wrong to these players.


Who even needs AHK? Other than cheesing to stay logged in, you press and hold a button and it does it’s thing.

I gotta agree with you there, so many people here defending this company that literally only pumped out nerfs and made the gameplay worse with the past updates. Let him get his money back, Blizzard does not need it.

Cheating in a PvE game with garbage balanced PvP and no trading, oh such a criminal.

I really hate people like this. These are the people that ruin it for the rest of us, why we have charges on simple things in banking for example. They need to recoup from these scumbags and it always falls back to the customers (that are not scumbags).

How about not cheating? Is that simply not an option for you? Holy hell what a waste of life…


L-like a terms of service? Wild that they don’t have them or something, that sounds like it’d clear up a lot of confusion on what they do and don’t allow.

The bottom line is that homeboy used a DDL injected macro in tandem with hardware, which is directly stated in the terms of service agreement to be wrong use of an account, and was actioned on it.
I don’t really think how it was used really matters, as it’s a blanketed statement, and intentionally so, in order to prevent someone from just claiming that they’re doing non-malicious actions to get around being actioned.
How the OP used it is irrelevant to Blizzard. The fact that they did is the issue.
They used something that’s explicitly stated to be against their own documentation regarding their games, breaking the ToS, and were actioned as a result.

As a sidenote, it’s wild that this guy casually mentions literal fraud as if it were okay. Different countries, different rules, I guess.

If you don’t care about the TOS, don’t complain when you get banned.

It’s not about me caring about the TOS, it’s about outside observers caring that another player violated TOS. Blizzard cares - it’s their TOS, sure. What do these other players that have nothing to do with it care? It doesn’t concern them in any way at all, because using a pedal doesn’t hurt those other players experience in any way.

Witch hunt? What witch hunt? Where is the witch hunt?

Calling this person a cheater where no cheating is proven.

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