Is it possible i got banned for no reason im using foot pedal macro for force move and autohotkey macro for right click button? is that a reason for perma ban??
You deserve it! So sweet hearing about AHK abusers getting banned.
That sounds like some filthy cheating
Well if its like that then be it a simple AHK dont give u much advantage its just to easyer press force move button no advantage whatosver
Yes, it absolutely is.
Ye bro like i hack blizzard for 10 mil dollars xd
Anything that modifies how you play the game including altering inputs will get you banned it’s in the ToS
That includes but is not limited to macros and scripts to automate movement
Oh well time to refund then
How long have you played so far?
If you are over 2 hours good luck also good luck getting a refund with a tos violation in general
What does autohotkey mean. And how is this used in terms of diablo ?
more then week hited lvl 90 bro
Good luck my man. You got banned for cheating and want to refund? Solid joke.
Good luck getting a refund after a ban.
they wont refund it lol your considered a cheater even if that wasnt the intent. If you charge back they take whole account and ban itt. Which isnt a big deal if you dont own other Blizz games
easy to get a refund, you just contact your bank and say the payment was made without your consent , the bank then request the refund and blizzard HAVE to give it (your bnet account gets banned though)
Its just macro like u can put when you hold right click macro ahk would be (while holding right click spam right click button) my fingers hurt thats why i make macro bro im old
Refund ain’t gonna happen, dude.
It’s like punching a kid at Chuck E Cheese and wanting your money back after they kick you out. Unreal.