I have done about 400 duriel runs with groups of friends.
It is not normal that I get 7 ubers and there are 4 grandfhater and 3 seligs!! is incredible!! when will they solve this? The truth is that you lose the desire to continue playing.
The big question are two: “WHEN” we have this “solution”?? With today patch??? 6 th febrery ??
And “HOW”.
We will can make the change for whatever we want or it will be another random one… the truth is I don’t expect anything good.
Keep it dont salvage/sell
Later, You can trade in for another uber of your choice
Sure? is confirmed that!?
Do you know when we can do this?
well, you can just be patient. we know there will be something to adress this, and id assume in the pretty near future.
bliz “soon” means from next patch to next year+
Also, they didnt officially say you can “pick an uber of your choice”
it was never said that though.
it could be a “random” one for example.
the only thing we know is that they are thinking about a use for the duplicate uber unique.
No news in this patch…. Terrible….
Needs to apply to ALL Uniques, not just Ubers.
why farm stuff at all? there should just be an npc selling stuff by now.
So there is where my amulets are… I have shako and riel and staves aplenty here lol
No it definitely shouldn’t.
Jajaja now other grandfather…… i have 4!!!
3 seligs and 0 others!! Jajajaja terribleee
There’s no risk of a shortage of farming in this game. Being able to exchange a Unique for a different Unique doesn’t guarantee a good roll (unlike Ubers), so yet more farming. But at least it gives a chance to play your build (even w/ a suboptimal roll) before lvl 90.
idk how anyone has the will to farm for an uber.
i’m at ~10 kills and i dont even have my basic as hell tempest roar. already sick of it lol
if it was fun i’d understand… it isnt.
I have an honest question
So? Duplicate items happen, feels bad man, but so does having every uber in just over 2 weeks of game play
O o fun story
I was like level 79 or something running vaults, i complained to my wife that i was bored of pulverize and wanted to try something new… that run i found tempest and the new unique gloves lol
Was just a fun little thing i thought id share
I would say this is normal if you have done 400 runs in the first 2 weeks of a season
Sheesh , I have a level 100 and a level 92 and have not run Duriel yet. I feel good
In diablo devs time, season 7.