Gold disappearing in S4

Just want to add on to this and say it’s been happening to me as well, and made a post about it today, funny you mentioned T2, I just got into T3 this morning and have been trying to catch it in the act once more but haven’t yet, so maybe a its a T2 gold bug?

My post about it

Happened also in T3 and T4, the amount of gold is lost is bigger.

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Not sure if it is related to dispersing, but if I sell Ancestral Legendary(could be any items, but I only just noticed it on Legendary) items in bulk the gold is subtracted, it I sell them one at a time the gold is added as normal.

Happens in every tier. Playing in tier 4 and just now 3 million gold vanished. I have the feeling it happens durng teleporting.


i have similar problem… yesterday i lost around 3m, today another 3m… i think it’s probably after completion nighmare dungeon… though it’s random… and i’m too stucked with the whisper tree reward bug, i cant farm gold anymore and gold keep draining randomly…

Bumping this since others are having the same issue. I feel a lot less cray now at least.

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Lost 7 million today in T4, is really annoying

Just lost 5+ million after coming out a NMD. 6th time this has happened in the last 3 days

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Had the same issue twice since the beginning of the season. I’m playing casually through the campaign, not spending any significant amount of gold. Yet a few hundred k have disappeared.

Ill add, i logged out with just over 6 million gold today, logged in a couple hours later and have 4,800,000. This is in T3, i had it happen to about 500,000 in T2 yesterday. Come on bliz!

Edit: and, no i didnt accidently spend it, and nice try shill below, this is earned, not purchased… lets try to get it solved, not covered up…

Who here who lost gold bough the gold with real life monies?

Maybe found the cause: potion upgrade. Now it costs a lot, last upgrade is 7Mil and is what i did.

Oh you might be onto something. Didn’t pay attention to that when I upgraded my potions but the cost seems to match the amount that disappeared. Not sure if it should be highlighted more in the UI or if I’m going blind haha

Lost 5 million gold just now and indeed upgraded my potion level 80. And the cost seems about right.

There are more gold sinks in the game. Potion training is expensive. Pretty sure new crafting also has costs.

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I’m under 2 million gold @ lvl 95.
Pit costs me too much gold, because I don’t get much gold from leveling, dungeons, helltides.

The only time I get above 6 million gold is the gold World Boss.

Why did Blizzard make us so broke this season?

I noticed it’s really expensive to upgrade health potion, now. Thought I was missing gold, too and then noticed it’s 7M to get lvl 90 upgrade. That might explain some in transition between tiers coinciding with leveling up.

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What? I just hit 100 and I have over 104million. And thats after enchantment rerolls and replacing aspects and what not. Ive easily spent 40 million. Probably more, and still have 100 million. But when Im not running The Pit, or NMD Im fully farming helltides. I collect all gear and sell it, blues, yellows, you name it. If my bag is full I port to town, sell, and go back and farm. But I will agree on one thing. It costs a lot for enchanting, especially if you are rerolling for what you want.

Things like removing a gem have a steep cost, too, but it doesn’t show in advance what that cost will be. It just deducts it. All functions with cost should show that cost on the buttons that activate the function, like D3, or be made very clear in the description of what you’re doing.

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The Last days i lost millions of gold… farmed today 2 hours up to 14 million gold… teleported out of helltide, now im on 8 million again. PLS fix this its annoying!

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