Anyone losing gold in S4?

Treasure goblins gotta get their loot from somewhere, right?

All jokes aside, that is extremely low, I’m at 6.5 million at lvl 55.

Do more whispers. They drop loads of gold.

I used to sell all rares, and salvage all leggos, and wound up with tons of gold. Selling rares (Yellow Items that aren’t upgrades) to vendors makes fast cash.

Haven’t gotten to end game yet, so not sure if anything changed, or if I need to salvage more rares or what not.

id say only thing you should take care of is that you only scrap gear that brings you kodex upgrades. the rest should be sold for gold id say. masterworking is pricey, yea, you are swimming in materials, so there is no need to blindly scrap every item ^^

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The other way to get gold is to do whispers.

You won’t be a billionaire this season. Steve wisely.

Some of you are missing the point, the issue isnt earning gold, guys ive gone through 3 characters, last one iirc i had about 200m sitting in my bank before I dropped the game again, it’s the fact that it’s DISAPPEARING

Report it in the bug forums

Ask your eternal character to wire your seasonal some walking around money to spend at the Blacksmith.

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I’m planning on it but wanted to see if anyone had been experiencing something similar, also wanted to catch it in the act on a clip just to have some concrete proof

@Madak, seems like there’s lots of buggy things.

@HILIO, the most funny bug i’ve seen is where if you have 2 character types in the same party and TP after dungeon, one of the characters looks will get mailed to the other character. so e.g. in boss runs, the unique and legendaries appear in the other characters pending stash. Whoops!

Have you done any tempering on your gear?

Wow that is funny. Is it just a visual bug?

I mean if by visual you mean there is nothing in my stash or on the ground after I TP, and the other player has two uniques in their stash…then yes, it’s a visual bug of the worst kind!

Yes but I haven’t paid for any re-rolls, only in mats

Yeah gold feels very scarce now. starting to run out of gold a lot.

Added an edit to the thread but will also post here:

I found someone in bug reports describing the same issue, and also mentioned it was happening in T2 and hasnt happened to them yet in T3. I started in T2 and switched over to T3 at lvl 46 this morning, I have yet to catch it happening again so its possible this bug could be linked to T2?

OMG that is horrible

I would need a much bigger vault

Potion upgrades seem more expensive than before. I’m level 80 and definitely finding myself bottlenecked by gold this season. Maybe they’re expecting us to sell all the rares, since they only get 2 affixes now.

Had same issue on Series X, i just finished hell tide boss, ran out of space for gear, noticed i had 3M gold, fast traveled to town to salvage unwanted gear, noticed i only had 1.5M gold. I bought nothing, upgraded nothing. Only traveled from hell tide to town and lost half of my gold.