Basicly you guys are giving 1 freebie per day just to direct players to the shop hoping to get them to buy.
It is the only thing you guys tested before releasing?
Seen 1 goblin in a whole helltide and he didnt even give me gold, just a bag with 2 rare and 1 legendary… what a let down.
Promoted gold and xp buff, and you guys dont even know when it will release: ‘’ Will be announced later this week " according to Pezradar.
Well typical behavior as usual since release.
Cmon you can do better blizzard.
heads back to the pit
The gold and XP buff is live now. The rest of what you said is correct though.
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I dreamed about this event everyday and I can only find my loneyly goblin, still trying to flee,feels blizzard…
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litteraly just got turned on few mins after my post lol
Event is a letdown. Most players are 100 so the xp is meh. Should have been a glyph bonus, pit bonus, helltide cinder bonus. ect. Whatever you want to do you get a nice bonus. Throw down the good stuff. This is a once a year thing. Too stingy.
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30 mins in the helltide and no goblin seen, it is a letdown lol as usual.
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Its funny how 20+ hours ago it was said it was being tested and rolled out with notes this morning and still has yet to be implemented. That will mean atleast 2 days of this goblin event wasted.
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i see goblins all the time. in helltide besides normal goblins, the greed shrines add tons more goblins. i have been running nmd’s with the extra shrines affixes and i just had 8 goblins in 1 nmd. i think people who complain about this event just want to bash d4 and complain. having tons of goblins everywhere i go is fun
They had time to group up and make a thank you video instead of testing their failed event tho 
Maybe it makes sense in dungeons (I dunno), but if you aren’t doing NMDs anymore and just Helltides and Pits, you don’t see a notable amount of additional goblins. Obviously the loot they are dropping still hasn’t been fixed either.
Edit: Not saying that I am expecting them in Pits, but when I take a break and go farm Helltides, it is hardly an event right now.
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i see plenty in helltides. you have to step away from the bloodmaiden summon though
You mean last night? My post is from 24h ago. Maybe its different today.
And what did you get from those bags? A few sub 925 legos and some yellow items? Dont lie. Its really funny seeing the same 4-5 accounts with 3k+ posts on every thread defending absolutely everything blizzard has done with this game. You add nothing to the conversation with your blind loyalty.
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am i defending blizz or are you just trying to find problems where there arent any?
Where there arent any? Thank you for proving my point. Blind loyalty.
This is what happens when there’s no QA involved.
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Claim free item. Leave shop.
precisely. people are literally complaining about free cosmetics.