Give us more inventory space, since you wont give stash

You keep adding stuff to the game that fills out our stash. Potions and boss materials alone take 2 of my stash spaces.
This season I needed 4 mules to the unique items i collected to my 6 level 100.
When you do not give us 3 - 5 more stash pages, then make the inventory double size, so our mules can carry more. I thought mules was i thing in the past. But with your design philosophy it’s still a thing. So let the character inventory be double the size.

And yes I hoard items so I have the stuff on Eternal realm if they fail a season so I can play there. I also only keep perfect unique items. Sacred and ancestral version, so I have some for leveling also.

Or you could stop fill out our stash with consumable items and boss materials, that would go a long way. I had so many boss materials I eventually had to just vendor some of them because I did not have the space for them. And with the destruction of all the greater affix gear called tempering I have filled out the last of my stash with greater affix gear because you need between 3-5 of each item to get one that works. I have this season bricked 4 greater affix rings, to only one of my necromancers ring slot. The system is terrible.
So you are contributing to the need of collected greater affix gear to fill out our stash because of all the braking items.
So power to the mules lets go…


The only change needed I think is removing the stack limit on consumables. I have rows and rows of summoning mats.


I feel like they should put elixers and summoning mats in the materials tab. I would get back 2 stash tabs.


yea just make all items stack in 100 that would solve a big portion of it. My Grigori materials fills half of one stash tab.

It is strange to me that people are fine with stash the way it is, but I’m in the minority since I play all classes with multiple builds. Like the OP, I’m saving gear because once it’s tempered with what you want, it will be useless if the build gets nerfed and you need new tempers (as well as other reasons for saving them).
Also, not having a way to save profiles is the worst design for a game with lots of builds preventing people like me from utilizing them without a massive headache.


Would love more stash space

I think they should increase the size of each tab we currently have, make each tab hold at least 3 times more items.


Yes and Yes.

Increase both, and while doing it also icrease stack limit to at least 999. And no that number is no joke.

Is the ps4 not capable of adding this numbers or why cant we have it?

I rather have some empty space in some tabs, and i can sort it better that way, then always this cramped crap.

More stash would be nice. Like the OP i tend to umm… Save stuff, But usable stuff. I mean they could sell stash tabs or stash chest to cover the cost of development, I would not have a problem with that. Giving customers options is always a win.

S5 will have 147 uniques that is 3 of the stash tabs. With all the different currency to summon bosses and events that will be another. So 2 out of 6 might be usable for gear. No where close to enough with 5 charcters.

We need stash tabs in shop instead of overpriced cosmetics XD

Yeah, and another Charm Inventory Page, specifically for my charms you are going to make?!

…you are going to make them, right??

last epoch new cycle in tuesday btw :wink:


Yup. Have my build theory crafted on

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If I can like this thread more I would! :laughing: More space for my collection PLEASE!!!

Well they need an armory load out too ,if they ever make one. So def more stash space or it back to making alts as mules. Doh
I just play Barb, always have so stash space isn’t so much an issue atm. I don’t understand why they don’t sell bank tabs cheap everyone would but them?

I just rolled my necro and last class i needed to make.

I was able to do this because i can buy more than one account.

Things to remember.

Some ga will never ever be bis.

Get rid of ga max life for your jewelry.
Look at the other 2 rolls, just cause ga, doesnt mean its viable.

Ga crit hc on gloves but getting a shadow resistance and loh will make it essentially never bis

We probably need triple what we have now with space. Getting to 15 or 18 pages is prob bare min eventually.

This wont happen for years so just buy another account.

Why are you keeping all those uniques?

I don’t know why they don’t make like a tab for boss summoning materials or something to separate it from other consumables. They did this in season 2 for the vampire stuff, so they can obviously do it.

Every season almost they add stuff that just clutters one small tab. S5 will have two new materials that go in consumables with the new hell content.

lol i rather play another game :smiley: