Give eternal players last seasonal content

Some of the seasonal stuff should definitely be migrated over - and I’m pretty sure Blizzard does migrate some stuff over. Just not complete seasonal mechanics so no Malignant Heart builds or anything like that.

S4 is going to basically be incompatible with Eternal, there’s no way to migrate over those changes without creating a really weird situation where you have eternal gear that’s pre S4 and post S4.

Everything gear change wise is for the game as a whole. It’s not a season 4 thing. The stuff they had on the PTR wasn’t season for. It was a game wide system overhaul. It’s for both server types.

We have no idea what season 4 is at the moment.

To be honest, unless Blizz gives something more, Eternal is purely a scorched earth. IMO it is too late to change this. They lost it. DI was the way to go, but they choose to go with D3. Sad as I hated D3 with all my heart…

How’s that going to work without running into problems with pre S4 and post S4 gear? Are they just going to kill everyone’s builds and not care or will we have our pre S4 items untouched?

Given the way servers work… Just play Seasonal and then it ends continue the character on the Eternal server.

This is my first game with Seasons and I see almost no reason to play Enteral; to each their own of course. Perhaps look at things backwards and start Seasonal then go to Eternal instead of wanting past-Seasonal on Eternal.

As another note, I feel the battlepass should be on both and not coupled with Seasonal content.

All gear prior to the update is considered legacy gear and won’t be touched. Everything after the update is the new gear. Your build will be fine and eventually better.

But what about a dad of 5 who works 2 jobs and has 30mins per week to play the game? /s

eternal is d4 without seasonal gimmick. so no hard pass. if you want to try a gimmick then play seasonal. if you dont want seasonal gimmick play eternal. its very easy


Who made this law? LOL. Why cannot change?

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you mean blizzard? if you dont like it tough. do research before you buy game?

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Interesting. You know what this means? If you can get away with it, legacy accounts are gonna be worth $$$ lol.

They absolutely won’t be.

Eternal should stay as is. I like seasons. Played them all, multiple characters sometimes. But they are more “powerful” (read power creep) then Eternal which makes them far easier to play (boring).

I do play Eternal between season (not as much, but still) so I “reset” my feeling of the game that the Eternal Realm provides, and I have to plan my build/gear just a little bit better on Eternal in order to achieve what I want to achieve. The season stuff is always just a bunch of extra stuff, and we can play pretty inefficiently and still beat it all.

So, keep Eternal as is, it’s a more grounded experience and fun in its own right and I enjoy that game mode when I want it.

Let eternal players vote what they want, not players mostly in season. It is not about you!


Why do ya’ll act like playing seasons is pulling teeth? If you hate playing the game that much, just find another game lol


Why playing eternal is pulling teeth? You like play season no problem, but give eternal player a choice. You call eternal player do not like the game? Why do not ask blizzard to delete eternal mode?

Because they don’t. Eternal players want a completely different game from what Diablo IV is. They want WoW in Diablo form when they should just go play WoW.

Because I don’t think eternal should be deleted. In fact, I think it’s important that eternal exists in the game. However, I think players are at a complete disconnect from its intended function.


I am an Eternal player and I do not want WoW in Diablo form. I want a good, complete game, something with depth and longevity and replayability, all things that Diablo IV currently does not have.


Putting seasonal content on eternal won’t fix that.

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Nothing can be fixed in one day, but it is an improvement

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