Give Decrepit Aura Back

Yeah its just a waste of time when it goes in circles and seems to be going into the world of fantasy at times. It is also a bit annoying to have ever topic with any interesting discussion going on getting derailed constantly. It seems to be a theme (I am guilty as well) that we derail and argue rather then discuss the game and our common intrests. Its a shame because rather then discussing issues, it just ends up in a “pissing contest”.

I am not interested in the overpower part of them as that would never help a minion build as they can’t overpower, i’m just interested in creating a way of auto cursing.

I want to know if you can play with these pants as an alternative to a curse aura given that you can remove the curses from your skill bar with these pants. However, I think the 7% chance to curse is not really high enough for them to apply decrepify reliably in AoE fights.