Give Decrepit Aura Back

Saying I’m the founding father for the tech is different than saying so and so stole my build. So again we’re coming back around in circles whereby you’re trying to argue that the sky is green, challenging me to fight when it’s pointless in the first place.

Am I the progenitor of the Blood Surge build? Yes I am. Is Blood Surge #1 for the Gauntlet this season? Yes it is. Those things are facts and no matter how you try to twist and turn it, it will always be true.

I just bask and love how no matter how hard you try to fight it and claim top spot, the true skilled best of the best are on the top and you’re not. Just let that sink in. Imma keep saying that **** too.

Dude Nobody Denies that every competitive necro uses IT, all i did IS give you the reason why that IS…so your whole arguing IS against yourself…the whoooole tiiiiimeee…and you dont even notice IT…thats why everyone Just loves a good wukong’s Show, Nobody IS better at arguing against himself…btw… WE all Play blight too. Explain why that IS Mr Mastermind of all builds…and…Put Up a score

You keep saying the same things because you’re trying to get out of the problem that you yourself created. I never argued against your point that it’s because of shrine synergy. I totally accept that. I’m simply stating Surge is #1. That’s all I’m saying. It’s getting your knickers in a bunch because you can’t for the life of you get to #1. To me that’s hilarious.

I’m not even in the race. I’m just chillin bro. Like literally kick rocks with that bro. That must REALLY piss you off that you can’t manipulate and strong arm me. You tried to strong arm the other users but it’s not working on me. Your bellicosity and hatred has it’s limits.

Put Up a Score… dont See you anywhere on the Leaderboards…

You’re a parrot to me at this point. You’re like an animal. A pet. Keep saying the same things because I know that’s all you can do. Let that sink in.

Less Talk more Score…

This is you lol

Oh you gave IT to me with this one… Kate beckinsale is certainly proud…less Talk more Score my boy…

It’d probably horrify you to know it’s not just Kate. There’s a certain one who’d lay the smackdown on you and another one who nobody can see. Your time is up. My time is now. See ya later :clown_face:

edit: they were from a loooooooong time ago lol

Still No Score…or are you still trying to do nm100? Either way i have faith you can do IT…

Rob sums up the gauntlet here and how much your build and gear matters.

But back on topic as sadly it has been heavily derailed again.

Has anyone tried to use Blood Moon Breeches purely for the free cursing? I would like to know if its viable with 7% curse chance, or if things like Coldbringers aspect apply it.

I would test this myself but I don’t have them in my stash and im barely playing d4 atm.

Of course IT gets derailed when wukong and His delusions enter…i am sorry but IT IS Just too much fun to let this Go so easily…@topic-most use breaches for the overpower buff. AS you are Most likely cursing everyone yourself idk how much benefit some extra curses might net you…the Boni to passives are nice though…If you can afford to loose the Dr stats a regular pant offers

Yeah its just a waste of time when it goes in circles and seems to be going into the world of fantasy at times. It is also a bit annoying to have ever topic with any interesting discussion going on getting derailed constantly. It seems to be a theme (I am guilty as well) that we derail and argue rather then discuss the game and our common intrests. Its a shame because rather then discussing issues, it just ends up in a “pissing contest”.

I am not interested in the overpower part of them as that would never help a minion build as they can’t overpower, i’m just interested in creating a way of auto cursing.

I want to know if you can play with these pants as an alternative to a curse aura given that you can remove the curses from your skill bar with these pants. However, I think the 7% chance to curse is not really high enough for them to apply decrepify reliably in AoE fights.

I think you might BE right…for a Minion build Without overpower the proc Chance IS too Low, especially since thorns got nerfed…

yeah the curse would have to be applied to minions before or during them being effected by player damage like tendrils and blight etc.
Do you know if iron maiden damage also no longer proc’s abhorrent decrepify?

Iron maiden does not trigger abhorrent decrepify

Sadly i dont… But i would guess it doesnt

The thing is people seem to blame me for the goings on but in actuality revolves around certain people including themselves. Before Unk became buddies with Ralph he was constantly going to war against him. He most recently went to war against MrCute512 until MrCute512 laid the smackdown on him in a similar manner to myself.

Before MrCute it was in fact Ralph and other Minion users. Unk apparently counted me as one of the Minion complainers just bc I played Pure Minion (which is HILARIOUS cause I was never of the complaining obnoxious type as it refers to that spec). In actual fact I was regularly cheering Unk on when he went to town against the ‘complainers’. So now I recently find out directly that he’s horrible.

If you’re interested in my psychoanalysis of him, he lashes out against other players because of two main things. One, of his drive and perception that he has to be better than others and his pushing me to put up a Gauntlet score is symptomatic. Two, others do not accept him and so as that route is unavailable, he goes to war with everyone and again, symptomatic of that is his supposed Gauntlet rating, as well as knowledge of the game. He beats everyone on the head with it as others cannot beat him back. The regular strategy to deal against that being to not care about it and not do what he wants you to do.

As you might suspect, I can keep going on and on psychoanalyzing other users with frightening accuracy. That being said, I want to take a moment to say that just b/c I take firm stances and at times kick down certain ppl, it does not mean I think that of everyone and I certainly don’t mean to offend people who are reading who haven’t commented.

My ire is specifically directed at the persons I’m responding towards. It just so happened that others got caught up with it, and sometimes ppl get caught up in it and they take sides. They don’t take my side, they join their side. When not knowing that I’m their supporter and fan.

Take Iridium for example, I don’t like him anymore after the entanglement from the other thread. And that never needed to be that way. It’s a shame. Had you not taken their side and maybe focus on objectivity we would’ve been cool.

I think that before people get mad at me and take issue with me, remember that I say things and do things for a reason.

Take my history with Blood Surge as an example. Everyone said 2H was not the right way. Not the right way. At level 100, not only did I prove it was the right way, I also proved that it worked and it was good. Everyone also said Crit Chance/Damage was not the right way. Not only did I prove why it was essential, the devs buffed it in the season that followed to make it work with OP.

My history with Pure Minion follows a similar trajectory. That one was kind of hilarious bc everyone was telling me minions didn’t work & I kept proving ppl wrong until I got all the way up to tier 4 (where my ps5 controller died, new season started). I was able to iterate on that build on the side and it was able to do higher nmd’s as time went on.

So yeah people seemingly fight me super hard on what I know is the right way and then making me an enemy bc I don’t follow what they do, or do what other people do. When not knowing that I could be their friend and could provide invaluable insight and whatnot. I’m also a loyal and very supportive person of people who I see as my friend. The potential to have more with me was always there but people always choose conflict.

Bringing up the celebrities was sort of an extreme move and of course the disbelief and laughs rolled in. The point was that if prominent celebrities who you know in one way or another, give love back to me when it is well understood that ‘regular’ folks chance to get anything like that is practically nil, what does that say about me, and what does that say about you?

The short answer is that it is because love is lacking and it is because of that, that I know in your own personal lives that there are imbalances, perhaps dysfunction due to that. Perhaps if you carried yourselves with the primary principle of love, and towards others, that the outcome would be different. Not just here but anywhere. Hate me if you want, but if you at least try to practice a little of it in your daily lives, that you’d see a shift in your experience.

Maybe just remove this last post as its going to restart the arguing, and post it in your own thread to air your grievances, I am sure those in support will come to your defense and those critical will explain their side.

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ITS pointless arguing with him, He lives in His own world…Just let him Post His nonesense and BE done With IT…ITS funny for a while making fun of His delusions but in the end the Guy IS a lost cause…and i am actually sad for him to BE completly Out of Touch with reallity…did WE every Go to war with each other? The wording Alone tells you all you need to know about His mental health conditioning…

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Yet again I’m trying to show peace to Unk and then he goes to war. Going in circles. This guy is extremely hateful. Unk goes into teardown mode immediately . He. Is. A. Hateful. Person. Let that sink in.

edit: Ralph, I’m not removing the post because it needs to be read and understood. It’s unfair to me that I share everything I know out of the actual kindness of my heart, get ruthlessly attacked for it, but then everybody turns around and benefits a ton later on. When instead we could’ve taken the peaceful route & we would’ve arrived at the same conclusion. I’m tired of being seen/treated as the enemy. When instead true bad guys like Unk are still commenting. So no, I’m not removing it and it’ll stand.

edit 2: and I’m relishing at the turn of events after I stopped sharing. You guys lost me and that was huge. Now you don’t know who to turn to or where to look. Your progress came to a total halt. You have to go through trial and error like I did and you have to figure it out yourself like I did, cause I had nobody. I’m feeling over the moon to be quite honest.

Maybe don’t take people for granted that they’ll always be there. Once I’m fully gone (next season), it’ll really start to settle in when the hostiles attacks more people, trolls/complainers infest, and the copy/pasters have no one to copy/paste from (their power is in the copy, therefore stopping the flow of information to them greatly reduces their power, putting them at a level which is either average or below average in actuality).