Getting killed in pit 101

Is anyone else with max res and armor running pits and getting killed by random mobs ? like 1 shots from elites and poison pools is killing me quickly even with max stats for res. Health is currently 8k unbuffed, help would be appreciated. Running pit 101 with correct quake hota gear.

Would need more detailed information about your build. From what you said though, your health is way too low. Mine is 18k and I have no problem surviving 130’s.

I’m at 14k unbuffed and have no trouble surviving Pit 130. You may just be lacking on DR via Paragon/Uniques?

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My survivability has held up to pit 120 so far.

25k life
Always Fortified and generated quickly even with shouts down.
60+ something total flat DR (once I’m Beserking which is always)
20 DR vs Bleeding
20 DR vs Vulnerable
20 DR vs Distant
10 DR vs Close
8 Extra DR while Fortified (plus whatever base fortify gives you)

Full investments into Martial Vigor, Guttural Yell, Aggressive Resistance, Invigorating Fury, and 10 total ranks in Pit Fighter (20% flat DR).