Get rid of unused stats

Shrine buff duration is the one that comes to mind. Why is it even an option? unless i am missing certain builds that would use it?

Nah u are right. ITs total garbage and ruins items unless they were to use this. Expanded Shrine System gives better mojo ⛪

More attribute clutter to maximize the clutter and the difficulty of finding your ideal item

Stat bloat is an effort to disguise lack of interesting, in depth itemization. Everything is Aspect tailored rares, and the unique(s). Uniques are either build defining or objectively worse than an Aspect tailored rare. It’s not an inspired system.

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They are called off meta fun builds, not everyone is a minmaxer…

I could see myself making one to use shrines to run dungeons faster.

Also i am a gear swapper, meaning i can have gear that adjusts a build to suit certain runs to make them faster and easier…

That’s how i would use it…

there is a world beyond the meta verse