Get ready raids are definitely being announced for the big reveal

It’s so obvious, diablo 1 had content locked behind multiplayer the IP was always heading in this direction.

Diablo immortal has raids

One/ Two of diablo 4 competitors has raids.

The delusion that thinks the next 10 years of diablo is just going to be d3 content is honestly so silly

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I imagine one of the competitors you are talking about it Lost Ark, but what is the other competitor?


I’m actually expecting the game to add things, unlike D3, and slowly improve like PoE and hopefully find it’s niche in the ARPG genre.

Still think raids are unlikely as they are not great content. The first time figuring it out can be neat but after that it’s just following the steps and is easy. Then there’s the problem of giving it loot that doesn’t overpower the other content but still incentivizes you to play it. Then there’s also balancing so that normal people can complete it because this game isn’t going to have mythic raiding, which will make it easy for most people.

World bosses are what you are going to have for raiding.

Oh i wouldn’t doubt that there will be some sort of Raid style type of end game content to challenge a medium to large group of players. I mean we kind of see the idea already in the form of world bosses granted they did state it would take 12+ people to bring these down.

That is why i don’t doubt they will have something that players can group up and conquer will it be on launch hard to say, but in the future for sure!

Path of exile?

Is this a serious question

World Bosses are a joke.

Path of exile has raids?

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One out of two my dude

Not how it’s written but Ok.

I don’t mind if there’s content that you can group just by wandering into an area and there are other people already there and you work together. But i don’t want any content that requires organized groups


Reading is hard meep meep

It’s hard when your formatting is garbage

One / Two

Literally is no different from


Reading is hard

I dunno about raids, without matchmaking implemented seems a stretch. Maybe down the road, but not without that kinda basic mechanic.

no. and if it were, that would be fastest wave of refunds and fall of a title even before release. most people who bought it on the “all content is playable solo” would leave and never buy anything blizzard again ever.


Diablo 1 had content locked behind multiplayer? What content was that, exactly?

Lmao the only game with matchmaking raids is WoW lfr… no other game does this lmao

It’s so obvious why do you think it is forced to online only.

The higher difficulties.

That’s pretty ambiguous actually with the numbers written out. It’s common for / to mean “or” in written language.

Whether you do/don’t agree, there’s no need to be insulting.

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And here I thought basing raid speculation on Diablo 1 was the silly part….


More basing it on the fact.

Game always online
Diablo immortal and lost ark both have raids.
90 minute secret reveal tomorrow of content we’ve never seen.

It’s pretty in your face at this point

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Because Blizz wants to sell cosmetics.