General game issues that have to be addressed

Problem: Basic skill is too OP because of Aspects
Did you notice that almost all best builds use the Basic skill? Do you know why?

  • this game has resource management issues which is strange in 2024.
  • you put too many and too good Aspects for Basic skill
  • Simple Barb example: 2H Moonrise, 2H Rapid, Amulet Adaptability, Chest Might, Gloves Hectic, and what you will get?
    • 280% !!! multi dmg, 60% attack speed, 20% DR, and resetting CD. Sorry, but you have to rethink this idea.
  • doesn’t matter how many Uniques you will create as long as there is a resource problem and such OP Aspects exist no one will use them
  • why anybody would like to use Core skills to face resource issues when they can use the Basic skills with OP Aspects and not bother about the resource?
  • Change all above aspects to Basic/Core
  • create some good generic (unconditioned) Aspects for Core skills

Problem: People not using Core skills and don’t use most of Uniques

  • You notice this already and the answer you can find in the previous point is why this is happening.
    Solution: Change aspects, resolve resource issues, and make Unigues way better because can’t temper them.

Problem: Barb is OP because of the number of slots/stats
Barb will be always OP because has 4 Aspects (two of them are 200%), 6 gems, and 6 (2x2 +1+1) offensive stats on weapons.

  • with the aspects I mentioned above Barb will be always OP because can use all of them at once and two at 200%
    Solution: give Druid/Sorc the possibility to wear 2H + 2x 1H (could be totems/focuses) slots. This would add two more aspects, two more gems, and two more offensive stats.

Problem: Barb is OP because of Passive Key

  • Barb Flay bleeds for 1.5b (billion) per second and Rupture for 150b and you want to increase bleed time? Seriously?!
  • Gushing Wounds is the most OP Passive Key and you leave it untouched? Seriously?! To be in line with other passives it should be changed from 140x to 40x and should be capped.
  • At the same time you are buffing the Grandfather by 100% to make Gushing Wounds even more OP? Seriously?!
  • Flay is the strongest build doing billions of damage and you buff it further? Seriously?!
  • Barb is 10x stronger than others but you buff them further with perma Berserking Aspect? Seriously?!
  • But at the same time you are nerfing Passive Key for other classes (Shadowblight, Victimize)? Seriously?!
  • Meanwhile, Teleport nerfed, focus nerfed, flame shield nerfed, ice armor nerfed, Debilitatin Roar nerfed. Seriously?!
    Solution: stop making Barblo IV

Problem: Barb is OP because it has the best Basic skill

  • you made this game Basic only skill-based meta and Barb has the best Basic skill - Bash.
  • this skill is just OP as is great for a single target, many targets, can CC, and has two offensive temper options.
  • why any other skill can temper one offensive stat (and a weaker one) like the chance to cast twice but Bush has “Cleaves for” with multiplicative damage?!
    Solution: As above, Change aspects to Basic/Core, remove Bash Cleaves, and change it to Chance to cast twice as any other class/skill has.

Problem: you are buffing the wrong things

  • Looks like you don’t know where the damage is coming from.
    • you are buffing Blizzard because is too weak? Dmg with Blizzard comes from IceSpikes only and not from the skill itself.
    • you are buffing Blight because is too weak? Dmg with Blight comes from Shadwoblight only and not from the skill itself.
    • just check your data and if any build has only 1 point assigned to a main dmg skill then you’ll know that dmg is not coming from the skill itself.
      Solution: You would have to buff these skills by a couple of magnitudes and not by 5-10%

Problem: Druid is the most underperforming class
Druid (Sorc is second worst) underperforming because:

  • lack of extra weapons slots which means lacking Aspects, lacking gems, and lacking offensive stats
  • massive resource problem as is not generating resources like Sorc
  • Can’t use unique items. All Druid uniques (Helm, Chest, Boots) don’t have spirit generation! How do you want people to use them?
    • regular helm/chest/boots have Spirit per second but none of Druid uniques have it. This is a really bad design.
  • you nerfed Overpower to the ground because of Barb and now Pulverize is useless.
    • Pulverize can hit for 500mln once per 6s on average - this is really bad.
  • Basic skills are underperforming when compared to other classes (HeartSeaker, Bash, FireBolt) and you made this game in the current meta a Basic skills-based game.
  • give Druid/Sorc a possibility to wear 2H + 2x 1H (could be totems/focuses) slots. This would add two more aspects, two more gems, and two more offensive stats.
  • Enhanced Pulverize should make it overpower every single time. This would be 500mln dmg per second - still 3-4x worse than Barb. Doing dmg every 6s is bad design.
  • buff Basic skill (like WindShear) as this is a Basic skills meta so it will f.g. split on hit because passing through is not good outside narrow corridors
  • and yes, damage with WindShear dosn’t come from the skill itself but from the Calm Breeze aspect.

Problem: CD after the skill ends

  • Because of immortal FlameShield you changed all other skills which is just a bad idea. Like TempestRoar which gives DR and not immortality.
  • What about Barb Shouts? Will they also rest the CD only after the shouts end? I hope so! Otherwise, you just made the strongest class even stronger.
    Solution: you should only change immortal skills like FlameShield and leave the rest untouched

Problem: Do you know that Barb can also be immortal?

  • Guttural Yell - 27 ranks = 108% DR from all! for 5s per shout. With 3 shouts and reduced CDs, this can be used permanently.
  • Martial Vigor - 27 ranks = 108% DR from elites!
    Solution: Remove these tempers the same way as Druid can’t temper IronFur, Vigilance, or Heightened Senses. Again, Barblo IV

problem: Stashtabs issue:

  • we have very little space because of the limited number of stash tabs. Why?
  • materials can stack only 50 items. Why so artificially limit the space we don’t have?
    Solution: allow materials/elixirs/etc to stack 999 times and increase the number of the stash tabs by at least two.

problem: temper inequality

  • why do some tempers have 3 options and some have 5? This is unfair.
  • why Barb can temper “immortal” passives like Gutteral Yell or Martial Vigor but other classes can’t?
  • why Barb will get Vulnerable Sufix on Polearm to buff it further while other classes like Sorc will lose CD on the Offhand?
    Solution: equal the number of temper options, equal what can and what can’t be tempered across the classes, and rethink your Suffixes.

problem: not equal Paragon boards

  • do you know that some classes have terrible board layouts where the Glyph slot is on the opposite corner of the Legendary Node whereas other classes don’t have such terrible layouts
    Solution: make boards equal so no matter what legendary you want you won’t be punished.

problem: test dummy too weak

  • hard to test builds if the dummy is only T100 and is “dying” after 2s
    Solution: create a PIT dummy so we can choose it from PIT 25, 50, 75, etc

Assign ONE person (who can play better than smashing one button on a controller) responsible for watching content from people who know this game:
Barb - Rob2628
Druid - Goblin Inc.
Necro - MacroBioBoi
General - wudijo, Raxxanterax, DarthMicrotransactions
This one person should then replicate builds, check them, make notes, and should be listened to about how to balance this game.

This is unacceptable that one class (Barb) is doing more damage than all other classes combined!
Warning you - people are frustrated and leaving and PoE 2 is incoming. You have very little time to fix this game.
Just make some selects on your DataBases according to PIT and you will know immediately what is wrong and with what classes/builds.

The game itself is going in a good direction and is fun to play but people are leaving because are frustrated about their underperforming classes outside Barb.
Stop making this game Barblo IV.
Barblo IV - I found this phrase more and more often on the Web what is not the best sign, is it?
Sometimes (quite often) it looks like you have no idea what you’re doing.



I have 2 things to say in favour of basic skills being powerful.

Storm Druid

The Storm druid has no Physical damage output other than than storm strike basic skill. This leads a perfect storm build to be seriously underpowered unless you centre your main damage output on either basic skills or ultimate skills because Lightning storm is not allowed to deal overpower damage due to it being a channel ability. Which means the storm druid is amazing at buffing a party with cyclone armourand debuffing mobs weth cyclone armour and hurricane but has no added damage output from physical attacks other,than storm strike and all none physical abilities are constantly being nerfed to mimimise the wearwolfs damage output

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