General feedback and ptr

So to start, I would like to mention I have played every Diablo game. I did not have as much time on Diablo 1 as I did the others but I have played every game


So let’s start with the time requirements for the grind. I played S4 in its entirety I think minus a week and here’s what I have come up with. As a normal player who gets off work and plays the game is not as rewarding, and many players are playing to enjoy the tops down AMMORPG murder hobo style of a game. The game feels impossible to scale into the endgame for the first 3 weeks and even then if you do not have perfect gear the game still remains hard. Casual players are not streamers, they do not have a community giving them items so that they can enjoy endgame faster and obtaining near God rolls. The game should be geared to both types of players.

Oh boy! You just found the perfect piece of gear and you want to place it on you build. Now you temper it… the item is now bricked! Tempering should not have a reroll limit! We really need to increase the cost of the resources needed and allow an infinite reroll so that we can’t brick piece after piece. We grind out better and higher rolls already bricking an item makes it hard to get a build going.


So let’s start with nerfs!

Diablo 4 feels like it has the highest restriction on what class you play already! A lot of players want to play solo and live to push endgame as much as possible! Constant nerfs slows this progress and make the game unenjoyable. Every class should be able to push max pit (Perfect rolls, Perfect Mastworks…Etc.) Why are we nerfing classes (not just rotating builds like in previous games, just blatant nerfs) every class should have a few rotated build/skills that get played every season. At the end of the PTR we went through some insane nerfs and really hurt the feel of the game

The new content (Hellish Horde?)!

OMG, we are forced to stay in here for 10 minutes. Does not matter how good of a player or how you grinding you have done you are here for 10 minutes. Please allow players to beat this faster, because 10 minutes runs for just 3 legendaries is really not worth it. Players who want to play the game do not want to be forced to stay in an event for 10 minutes for minimal rewards. Allow players to beat this quicker or make there be a massive loot explosion at the end so we have a purpose for 10 minutes a run.

There are many more but this is a list of feedback that is a QOL and respectable feedback that devs can use. Thank you for joining my ted talk…

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That’s nice…

20 chars

Maybe it’s late… it’s like 4 in the morning. Last thing I want to read/interpret is a “TLDR” post.

At least they used “Spaces”…

When is Season 5 starting? I’m ready to play D 4 again (haven’t played D 4 in over 3 weeks).

Yep same. Finished 3 weeks ago but do hop on to help friends kill stuff when they need it. Cant wait, we are so close to S5. I wish they would release patch notes because its going to be massive. Almost all bliz game patches before an expansion is huge and a prepatch to welcome in the new content.

The campfire is the 1st so they will probably release the notes same day. I wish they would have had it this week instead but they probably have a lot going on between the season and the expansion reveal events.

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Yeah i know. I just feel impatient amt. S4 was fun but to short, however at the same time I felt invested in my main.

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Same. I had a lot of fun. Only thing I was unhappy about was my bad luck in not getting any Ubers in over 80 kills. I got tired farming stingy stones or I would have kept at it.

I got luck this season. First duriel kill gave me a shako and starless sky ring. Total I prob did around 100 tormented runs getting about 20 mythic items.

I know S5 I wont have the type of luck I did but S3 it took me 300 melph runs to get both stones so it was nice to be favored by the RNG gods in S4.

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Maybe I’ll have my lucky season some day. I have yet to get an Uber. I did skip s3 though.

S4 is the easiest season to get an Uber with the requirement of 2 characters. You need 1 spark from the Iron Wolf, 1 spark from any first Tormented boss kill, and 1 spark from any kill of Echo of Lilith this season or any previous season. Then, you only need another spark from the Iron Wolf on the alt. If you need help with any of the above, I am sure there are many people willing to help.

I hope S5 has something similar for us to get at least one Uber.

Yeah I know I can do that. I have 3 sparks. Wolf faction farming is boring to me and I only did that on one character. Maybe I’ll do it on another but I dunno. I get bored fast of helltides.

Great that the option exists. I just had bad luck on drops with over 80 kills when everyone else is getting pages full acting like they drop like candy for everyone.

I play casually and don’t find any problem with taking some time to build up at the start of the 3-month-long season. Building additional characters is much faster afterwards.

I don’t feel like you need to be a streamer to play this game. As there’s no competitive aspect to it aside from competition with yourself (and that’s how it SHOULD BE)

While it certainly sucks to brick an item, I actually prefer some friction in getting my build only after having played with the system this season. Cause having everything handed to you in a game isn’t much of a game.

PTR and The Horde mode. Changes have already been announced, with the campfire on Aug 1. So best to reserve judgement until that.