Gauntlet sucks for most players

It’s very easy to buy a boot with a 12% shrine buff. I sold two like that myself.

Sure i mean if you have the gold. Friend sold an ammy yesterday for 1.5 billion.

Do the math. Another 4 points in my main skill increases my damage by 40%. Apart from the increase in my passives. For the rogue it makes a lot of difference, I don’t know about you

it only increases active skills, which in now way will increase your dmg output by 40%

you do overestimate the shaco a lot.

  1. it’s not a 40% outright , i mean my skills go over lv 10, adding 4 won’t necessarily equal to 40% even to the skill itself considering going from 1 to 2 doesn’t double it for example but merely give it a boost
  2. that’s merely your skill, you do know that beside your skill there’s quite a lot of things that give you damage right ? paragon (nodes , glyph , stats… ) , equipments etc… and even passives which shako doesn’t increase, let’s imagine it gives you 40% to your skill like a 40% core skill do, but it doesn’t equal to 40% damage there’s quite a lot of parameter to think about there.
  3. once again, don’t forget that god slayer exist if you seek damage which can give up to 26.2% damage on the first stat and up to an extra 60% on top of that through the effect yet even if i say that , this too won’t give an outright 86.2% damage, damage is more complex than that

in my opinion items like godslayer and thibault’s are uber’s worthy in term of power.
but that’s merely my opinion.
eitherway as long as godslayer is an affordable option : shako won’t be something that is very defining in term of damage output, the DR% is nice though.

Depends on the skill. In rapid fire, each skill point corresponds to 10% of total damage. Plus 16% in explosions from my shadow imbuing. Which generates a 62% increase in damage. Very significant. I don’t know of other skills

no offense but i doubt you know how the dmg calculation works, when you also thought that shaco gives + skills to your passives.

I believe I know more than you about the calculations, I plan everything so you have an idea, I know how much 10% damage will increase in my build. I never had the shako, I thought it was 4 more for all skills and not just the active ones. Good Regardless, I don’t play with meta builds, I play with my own so the gauntlet is not for me.

i dont play a meta build this season either :smiley: currently in the top 1000 in solo and group play - no uber equipped.


And wouldn’t it be more fun for you to be among the 50 in your build??? That the majority of those in your build have the shako and are in the best build.

oh it would, id need to use bone spear tho, but im sticking to my infinimist.

actually people do regularly use godslayer crown in the top 50s.

heres some news for u: even if all players entered the gauntlet with one locked basic attack u would still lose to the more hardcore players. done


exactly. people like to live under personal delusions that they are some incredible gamer and if only they could dedicate more time to the game they could prove they are just as good as the hardcore/professional gamers. the fact is they arent. those that have accepted that though try the different route and ask for countless leaderboards (ones for every build type) in the hopes that if there are enough leaderboards they might be able to make it on to one of them.

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Making a game mode “not for most” is the problem.

This is exactly why I quit the game and moved on. The developers have no clue what they are doing with this game and it will only get worse.

i mean…so in your opinion no game should ever have any kind of ranking or leaderboard ?

being in the top 50 , 100, 500 or 1000 isn’t mandatory at all you can still enjoy the gauntlet to get the emblem for your profile , a bit of reward and improve your own score little by little.

a game should have content for both casual and hardcore
but never content only for casual and only for hardcore
in my opinion it’s good to have some content like LB and Aoz.
a Game need to have content for the more dedicated people

and personally , as a casual , i don’t mind at all not being in the top 50 or not being able to beat Aoz T25
i can still potentially get to the top 1000 or do Aoz up to 10 which in itself is nice.

If every content would be steamrolled by casual, there would be no point in getting better gear or trying to perfect our build.


I agree with sets, in d3 you don´t play class you play set. To be honest in term of build variability its pretty much same here, only difference is you always need to use 6 specific aspects instead of 6 green items, but whatever.

But can you explain to me why Rifts is bad idea?

Or better why rifts would not be better than current content?

On one hand you have same layout, with same mobs, with annoying (and same) objectives) on the other hand you have chaning layouts, changing mobs and straightforward killing. Don´t think its some godly content, but still better than anything we have now.

so dumb to make content for 50-100 players at the current state of the game. that every could have gone elsewhere.
and even the 50-100 players are already getting sick of gauntlet.

What are you talking about. The fourms where full of ppl QQ about leaderboards. Now ppl QQ cause they arnt good enough.

Its not hard to place on lb but to be in top 100 it is a competing environment. Now ppl QQ because they arnt good enough.

The fact they have difficulty at nm70 its not about challenge but strategy. I was actually really surprised with how much strategy goes into obtaining higher scores.


way too much. people wanted simply a leaderboard, not a carefully crafted experience which sucks to play. the game is about mindlessly killing hoardes of monsters, not chess.

but you’re a white knight anyway and will happily eat any turd just to prove us wrong.

Agreed but its nice to have a blend of mindless and strategy. Its the only part of the game you need to actually use your brain and ppl cried about AoZ difficulty so currently it allows all to participate.

Not exactly. I dislike how much of D3s ultra casual entitlement have change the game. Game however has exceptionally smooth combat and gameplay. The more they go down the road of turning D4 into that brainless mobile game with 4 hours of gameplay per season like D3 ill move on.