Game is unplayable, performance wise

There’s probably no solution. Servers are just poor.

I was crashing randomly, and having to run scan/repair before it would allow me to play again. I tried shutting off overlays, made sure everything was updated with no luck.

BUT I found a fix that worked for me… I went into the graphics settings and adjusted my “Max Foreground FPS” to 60 fps. Haven’t had a crash since… Hope this helps someone else, as I was getting VERY frustrated lol

From what I can tell, it appears to be nothing related to our hardware or graphics, but rather a network communication issue between the game and the server.

Every time we open a menu, change a window or move around the map, a request for information is apparently made to the server about the information needed to load inventory items, vampiric powers, monsters on the map, etc… And apparently , there is a response delay between the request and the response which causes the game to crash.

Proof of this is that many times it’s not just crashing or freezing, but also the delay for the item tooltip and/or images of vampiric powers to appear.

It is very likely that it is the servers that are congested with the number of requests for information about the new systems (automatically scrapping items, vamiric powers, increasing the number of monsters, etc…) and are unable to respond to clients in time.

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i mean this is so stupid every console player i know has 0 issues every pc player i know cant play this dumb game they want people to play this game but s2 has been out for 4 days now and its still unplayable for half there player base on pc

And yet here you are - lurking three months later in a forum about a game you apparently have no interest in.

But I’d like to update that I’ve been playing for the past 4 hours with no significant freezes - there have been some minor stutters, but only fractions of a second instead of 2-10 seconds.

Seems like, for myself at least, changing to the Nvidia Studio driver has fixed things for now. (Or, potentially, they fixed something on their end)

To make it even more fun I just started having these same issues of freezing up when opening inventory, skills, etc and quite a bit during regular game play starting 2 days ago. Up until then Fine. Buttery smooth. I don’t know what they did, but they broke something.

The lag issues are definitely server-side. Console players are getting it too, and it’s mainly in high traffic areas (like blood harvests).

Not having a single issue with the game’s performance rather than loading Multiplier zones like Legions, World boss, etc. Due to the whole “Loading their stash” thing.

I run the game on ultra.

3090 TI
32GB Memory running at 3200MHz.
Game loaded into SSD>

Sounds like you need to open a ticket with Blizzard.

My PC is much worse than yours, but I’m having the same issue. It feels like framerate lag, but turning my settings down (even all the way to low) doesn’t help. Also the game ran really smooth during season 1 at “high” graphics settings (except for the rubberbanding that everyone experienced) and I haven’t noticed any performance changes in WoW. So I don’t think its my PC.

It’s unplayable at the moment, which is a shame, because the blood harvest stuff is really fun. But the low/variable FPS makes me nauseous.

Yeah I’ve tried several things, and each time it ‘fixes’ the problem…for about 5-20 minutes, then it’s back to regular. It’s almost like the game is trolling me, and I’m about to just move on.

I am having the exact same issues so frustrating.

most often the game crashes for me when i open the character tab. at the very least there is a slight .5 second hang. if that doesn’t crash it, opening the abilities tab almost guarantees a crash. this happens about every 15 to 30 minutes.
aside from that, there are overworld regions where the lag becomes unbearable, until an eventual disconnect happens.
i’m glad i don’t play hardcore.

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I am so happy to see it’s not just me…

I as well have random freezes. Sometimes for 5 seconds and some other times even more then 10 seconds.

It’s not only in menus but also,
For me it’s also just freeze randomly and mainly in the open world and in the most random places.

I tried to lower the resolutions to lowest possible. Nothing seem to solve it.

I have 1080 TI. It worked perfectly fine in season 0 and 1. Nothing changed in my PC.
Just in case I uninstalled every program and closed every background program and still I have this issues.

I am running the game on NVME m2

I would love to see Blizzard response acknowledging this problem cause I am pretty sure it’s not a sudden global problem in peoples PC’s.

Same here … lags even when moving through overworld. Sometime 2 sec, got killed two times.

When you open inv / whatever it’s like a russian roulette, will it open? Will it open now? Once it completely stuck opening the wheel menu, for two minutes when loaded to the WB zone.

It’s horrible :frowning_face:

Yeah ofc, all cross play off, reflex off … getting 118 FPS in dung …

EDIT: one thing I was able to clearly reproduce:

  • be in Keyovashan by circle
  • open socilal by a key (sometime take < 5sec)
  • close social
  • open inventory by a key
  • wait 5 to 10 sec
  • close inv
  • open social
  • rinse and repeat

After having annoying hiccups with the UI the past few nights, tonight the game became completely unplayable. Again. The lag from the blood tide zones froze my game and then DCed me when I opened my character panel. Then again when I tried to do a legion event. Also noticing a fun new bug; opening the inventory and trying to compare items sometimes refuses to display any of the item tooltips. So frustrating, I’ve really been enjoying the game when it’s working.

Being this thread is about 6 days behind…

There is a fix of sorts!

-Diablo 4 Crashing once every 15 minutes or less due to GPU utilization spiking to 100% - #36 by DTMAce-1687

Those of you having the menus freeze or stutter or glitch, follow those steps. It will most likely help your situation. This only affects Nvidia users so far, I have not seen any AMD card based systems with this issue yet.

Keep in mind, I don’t know if this will help latency related problems, but it might, if that latency issue is being caused by the graphical issues this helps fix.

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