Game is dead already, Kyovoshad is a ghost town

30 plus builds? Per class?
What are you on?


I’ve never heard this put better. This is so spot on it needs to be re-quoted. This defines it all. Their motivating factor is not fun, it’s meeting metrics that would please shareholders for multi-platform engagement and all that nonsense. That is what drives everything in the game.

It used to be that you made a game that was good, and the byproduct was profit and huge success. That’s not how it works anymore, especially with Blizzard. Now it’s all about meeting metrics that have nothing to do with the game but expansion of game and franchises to other platforms and other games crossing over to that game, with engagement. And future demographic engagements, etc etc.

But not fun. That’s not a metric.


This 100%.

Its clear as day. Some blizz apologists eat it up and ask for more like good little followers though. We should all be banding together and asking for better.


I know that, and it’s disabled, but for whatever reason, I still get the message in chat saying that I have it enabled :upside_down_face:

The amount of people I encounter doesn’t really change either.

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Not true at all. There should always be someone in town not doing helltides in Kyovashad, or someone selling useless items at the vendor, just to run back to helltides.

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Really? I never disabled it, but was tempted just to get rid of the message. Shame then.

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At least the game runs better now. Veteran wannabe elites got their wish. Isolation.

For which class? Each class has 30+ builds, which is over 150 builds in total for all classes. You’re saying that you have tried all 150+ and none of them are fun for you?

Well, I found the close-quarters rapid-fire rogue build, the lightning sorc build, tornado CC druid build, bruiser barb build, the reaper necro build, the minion necro build and the long-range rapid-fire rogue build to be the most fun for me and my favourite builds so far.

Lol each class has 30 builds? Rofl…

Yeh if you wanna play in the kiddie sandpit all game sure


What are you talking about, all those naysayers who said the first season was going to be stale out the gate have been proven wrong.

I can’t wait for the introduction of malignant hearts in season 1. They’re such an amazing content edition. Just this announcement blows every PoE season completely out of the water, I hope Grinding Gear Games is watching and taking notes because Blizzard is showing them how it’s done.

Imagine if they had to reach back in their bag of tricks and introduce D2’s failed runewords. I’m so glad they chose to be more original with D4 and streamline everything with D-immortal.

I was worried with the grimdark atmosphere that they were moving away from a WoW style content feel. So far, they haven’t let me down, and I just love that my Barbarian relies on WoW style fury mechanics and that my ice sorceror is a WoW ice mage light.

I see people in my Kyovoshad

Who is stupid enough to stay in Kyovoshad?


Is that true? No wonder it felt so empty…

Did a world boss an hour ago…I think 8 people were there including myself.

Negative there are broken op exploit builds not nerfed yet…and useless wet paper bag builds.

Uhhh…do you understand how instancing works?

Have you even played Diablo 4?



You can only see 11 other people. There are thousands of shards full of people you can’t see.

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its true, blizzard talked about it at large about how its a choice to make the world feel like a demon infested post apocalyptic world and how seeing 300 people in kyovashad wouldnt fit in with the fantasy.

dont shoot me over it, i didnt say i agree or disagree with them, im just saying, at no point have you ever seen more than 11 people on your screen.

If they were OP more people would be using those builds, surely they would be on build sites for casuals to use? None of them are wet paper bag builds in the slightest, you just don’t know how to make the builds properly clearly.

You can ask whatever you want wont make it happen though. Its a public trading company meaning they answer to share holders not the customers.