Game is crashing my PC since the 5/16 update

i got a better one for me it was because i have google chrome installed

I only have Edge and is the same XD

Does anyone else find it infuriating that so many people are having this issue and there has been no response from Blizz?


obviously annoyed by them ignoring us. and thus, i’ll just continue ignoring their in-game shop.

I am… i preordered, finished the game on launch, came back in season 2 and 3.

And i was having a blast until last friday when the game started to freeze my pc, not even in launch my pc acted like this.

I burned my pc yesterday with Cyberpunk 2077 4k, without amd fsr full raytracing, got 1 fps and left the pc for 1 hour with that, 100% gpu , 60% cpu usage.

Didnt crash at all, cpu was 76 C°, gpu was hot as usual but nothing happened.

I think they know the issue, they are trying to see which code is faulty, but they arent accepting this, maybe because some ppl lost pc parts due to this error.

They just mentioned in this update that they’re prioritising some performance/crash issues so hopefully that refers to this.

yes, for RTX40 series that is.
they didn’t mention anything about all the rest of us!

Seriously tho do devs even care about their game? I havent been able to play for a week and not a SINGLE devs as spoken about the issue. Look like ima go back to PoE where they actually somewhat care about their player base

i am starting to wonder is this got to be with certain GPUs or software issue?

Playing with i7-10700 with Intel Arc A770 and suddenly everything run smoothly even with weaker CPU.

Then i got on an i9-12900K with RTX 4060 and everything crashes lmao

At the bottom of the post after the invisible walls issue it says “The team is investigating and this is one of our top priorities along with a few other performance/crash related items.”


12900K here, 4080S FE. Absolutely 0 problems. Plays perfectly fine. Was playing fine even before they disabled Frame Gen. Which coincidentally made my rig perform worse with Ray Tracing, I had to back down the RT settings to compensate to keep my target FPS.

Played on Sunday for over 6 hours, no issues at all. Well one issue, when they issued an update while I was playing and I had to restart the game, but that was it.

DLSS @ DLAA, Full Ultra RT but currently have RT settings to low with particle/foliage effects off due to not having Frame Gen. 1440p @ 100FPS. Running driver version 551.31 from Jan 30th. 16GB Swap file set. Crossplay disabled.

In game latency stays between 9-10ms unless transitioning loading screens. Network latency is 60-80ms. No transition issues while exploring/changing zones. No invisible walls, nothing.

Just works.

Dude thx for the passive support
We know your game runs smooth you already mentioned in a few posts… the game runs smooth for my buddy with whom we play together as well (though he doesnt play when i cant as well)

İ know u r trying to help but you posting the game is running fine for me does more harm then good imho

İf u want to support players like us i would suggest u tag pezradar and others on platforms like X or reddit (whatever they are on)


Not sure how that will help, if by posting its working and how I have it setup doesn’t help already.

Wouldn’t that make your point about it not being helpful actually worse? lol


I’m not trying to be uppity about it or anything. Obviously something with how mine is setup works fine. Be it driver version, settings, something.

I even have a full post with my full system details on here some place still. Though I haven’t updated it in a while.

In no way am I trying to say its not Blizzard’s fault either. The fact that we have to go through some of these hoops to get it to work fine is a clear indication that the coding and implementation is all over the place, whether it be their direct fault, something with nVidia drivers, or both.

But I understand why you would feel that way. I get it. Without being able to recreate the issues some of you are having, its hard to say “go here and do this and its fixed”. All I can do is list what I have setup and hope it helps someone else, or gets us closer to an actual problem/solution.


My thing to point out, there is probably more than one problem going on simultaneously.

As i said b4 my buddys game is working as well
And that doesnt help me or others with the same problem

(İ agree you sharing your working configuration helps… but you already did that a couple of times)

Dont get me wrong but … it becomes smthg like this —> it works for is it is a problem on the non working sides

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Oh I understand.

No, not dismissing anyone having an issue or saying there isn’t one, that is not my intention here. :smiley:

But totally understand the sentiment.

since the start of this season, I could get in, play, game crash here or there but mainly when I would TP to a location. Now I cant even get to the char select screen

You don’t “lose” pc-parts because of a software bug or bad programming.
Faulty hardware or insufficient cooling / low quality PSU can and will at some point though.

Has new patch changed anything for anyone?

No, still the same. Can’t enter game

Small update.

My issue with fenris crashes appears to have been fixed by a BIOS update. After updating lastnight, I played for a good few hours with no issues.

Details as follows from the update notes:


Version 2202
13.64 MB 2024/04/19
"The update introduces the Intel Baseline Profile option, allowing users to revert to Intel factory default settings for basic functionality, lower power limits, and improving stability in certain games.

Hope this helps some of you with your troubleshooting as other vendors may have similar updates.