You can also make a self-calling batch file by just opening Notepad and inserting the following:
@echo off
echo Tracing Route to, 8 hops max starting time: %date% %time%
tracert -h 8
timeout /t 10 /nobreak
goto loop
Save the file as ’ continous_ping.bat ', or whatever name you want really as long as it’s saved as a .bat file. Put it somewhere safe, or on your desktop it won’t hurt anything.
When you start to get lag spikes, run this as admin, it will automatically pop up a cmd prompt on the screen and start to run the Tracert by itself. I’ll explain the lines just so you understand.
The @Echo off just means it won’t display the command prompts itself, so it won’t show the actual ‘tracert IP address’ in the beginning.
The :loop is just a starting point for the loop itself, i.e. this is the start of the loop, repeat everything below this line essentially.
echo - literally just displays the text after it in that format in the CMD prompt itself. So everytime it starts a new loop it’ll show you “Tracing route to bla bla, 8 hops max, starting at date/time” You can leave this out if you want, up to you, I just find it helps to pintpoint when the tracert was sent.
tracert - h 8 IP address - is just running the tracert to a max of 8 hops (you only took 7 hops to get to the server so I typically add 1 more just in case)
timeout /t 10 /nobreak - just means it will continue this loop after its run every 10 seconds until you either close the CMD prompt itself, or hit Ctrl C to quit when it pops up on the prompt itself, which it will do for every 10 seconds after it runs.
goto loop - just repeats the process all over again