Game Freezes/Crashes GPU fans screaming when opening specific UI Elements - June 2023

I’m still having this problem. I can’t have my inventory, stash, or wardrobe open for too long, i.e. more than 1-2min max, before the game closes & I get an error box asking what I was doing when it occurred. At least 99% of the time, when I get booted like this, it’s when I’m in, or was just in, one of those windows.

I just got this gaming computer in February, anticipating this game’s launch. I’ve heard there’s a specific reason for this error, and it’s primarily happening with newer computers and/or graphics cards. I don’t know the details bc I’m not a techie. My husband explained it to me but I don’t remember lol. But, I know Blizz can fix this & really NEEDS TO FIX THIS ASAP! Please.

Inventory makes my computer go crazy, like other ppl have said. I now keep my AC on & have a fan blowing right at my computer to try and help keep it from heating up. But I was still was just booted with an error 3 times in less than 10min while trying to go through & compare gear I’ve collected.


This is absolutely ridiculous. I’m on a 3070 that munches through most games but D4 has so many odd problems.

Enchantress NPC sends my GPU into overdrive and kicks the fans into high gear, even with considerably dropped settings that shouldnt’ be necessary. Going from 51C → 85C+ before I closed the windows within only like 10 seconds. It makes it impossible to interact with the NPC, meaning I can’t actually really make my alt right now.

It even adds considerable load with just the character screen open for a bit.

Between that, the random lockups as new assets are seemingly loaded in (dropped textures to medium even to deal with the 8GB limitation), frequent rubber banding and other issues make this game functionally unplayable.

I’ve never seen such insane technical inconsistency from a game, and I desperately hope they have some sort of fix planned for S1 because otherwise I honestly don’t see how it’s possible to play when I can’t interact with the enchantress for more than 10 seconds at a time on top of the myriad other issues.

Not to mention voice chat locking up and crashing my game entirely and the game periodically just deciding to lock up my entire computer when closing down from time to time.

Brothers game runs just fine on his 1070. Lower settings of course, but he experiences none of the odd technical performance issues that I seem to be running into. I’m running higher specs across the board and my CPU is absolutely nowhere near maxed out so it’s not an issue of bottlenecking somewhere.


In power limit we trust, MSI Afterburner, something like 50-70%, at least do this. Fps lock and undervoltage are also useful

The silence from Blizzard regarding this is deafening… not even ok we got you … we understand the problem… we cant give estimates yet but we ACKNOWLEDGE that this is a problem and it will get addressed sometime in the future. Instead Pez is telling ppl that they need to take care of keeping their hardware cooled and secured and if anything happens it clearly isn’t Blizzards fault… yeah right…

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I’ve given up on Pez being a good community manager, and instead gone straight to comment on Youtube Diablo centric video creators such as Asmongold. Hopefully if enough people will inform them of this thread and what is happening they may make a video that can expose Blizz and force them to act


Just made a video to show how it works on rtx 3080 (0.86v 1905-1920mhz). Due to recording, numbers of powerdraw/temp slightly higher.
Without recording:
Normal play ~120w, inventory ~200+, vendors 280-320+++ and gpu usage is maxed.
Don’t mind this msi afterburner “overlay”, just made it look like this for vid only.

This is crazy stupid and broken, how blizzard can ignore it?


I’ve never had a system crash due to this issue because I built my PC with sufficient enough cooling to handle an extended 100% load and did enough stress testing to make sure it’s all working properly. I just find it highly annoying that something so innocuous is force feeding 320watts into my GPU. It’s very strange behavior I’ve never personally seen before in other games. I do remember hearing about the New World MMO menu screen killing some GPUs because of something similar where it ramped them up to 100% utilization due to such a simple graphical element ending up rendering at 1000+fps (or as much as the card could render) without any fps limiter.


Blows cards, user is out of warranty and buys new one. Simple
They’ve seen the profit in pandemic and now no one’s buying, they need to sell old arhitecture; how!? Blow “accident” them up. Till new world no one ever had a problem, but it’s conspiracy so no one believes it. Imagine people paid 4x times the price, got good for at least 5 years but we aknowledged that was a “short” of semis in pandemic… and they need the money…


a solution that worked for me for the character inventory screen was to set fur quality and SSAO quality to low.
i am however still getting the same issue at the vendor.

running a 3070ti with Ryzen 5900x

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can we not with the stupid, mindless conspiracy theories? it’s a conspiracy theory, blizzard isn’t getting kickbacks from nvidia for cards they sell rofl

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I think he was refering to the Nvdia, as it was in the MMO New World, if recall correctly it was an Nvidia driver issue that caused GPU die while playing the game.

But in this case i don’t think it makes sense, since it happens whether you have an AMD or Nvidia GPU.

No it wasn’t nvidia drivers that caused issues back then. It was new world menu not having cap of fps and GPUs (in this case few models of evga and mostly gigabyte 3090) were dying due to “hardware” flaw, aka cheap VRM and power delivery. Voltage was exceeding the max value and cheap asymmetrical VRM of gigabyte affected cards was not able to handle it. You can find proper articles, there are few detailed ones what really happened.

D4 had the same thing in beta, where cutscenes were rendering at 9999 fps and killing few of “old 3080ti/3090” cards as well, then they did cap fps to 30 (option) and its on by default.

Current issue is way way different.

Blizzard are you still with us?

Pezi McPezface?

Just opened a ticket referring to this thread demanding an official statement


Season 1 is almost out and I still haven’t even been able to leave the starting area. I’m already so behind. My god. Everyone needs to send a ticket to support.


Happens to me even at character select

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I have the same problem, black screen and PC needs hardreset after the last patch. Happend on two of my PCs same problem different specs and monitors. Cant play for the risk of my PC gets broken. hope we can get a fix soon.


I had the same problem. Changing look fixed that. Take off every fur piece you have on your character and the graphic usage is back to normal in inventory !

In inventory yes, this can lead to -30w. But vendor is another story.

Blizzard hello, bump buuuuuuuuuuuump

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You are doing it wrong.
We should be against global warming and in favor of the green agenda. Blizzard too.

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wonder if blizz will even acknowledge this issue formally

I’m looking forward to playing S1 and being basically unable to interact with some vendors for longer than 10 seconds before my GPU starts freaking the hell out.

I’m looking forward to playing S1 with frequent aggressive rubber-banding because their servers are a disaster and players may be getting sent to servers on the other end of the world for some reason.

For how impressive this game is on a technical level in many ways, it’s also kinda a technical freaking disaster. Glad Blizzard gave themselves a whole month to seemingly do little to nothing to address initial launch issues before starting S1 so they can start generating that sweet, sweet battle pass cash.

Diablo deserves better than this.