Was having that issues, so I turned off crossplay. Running smooth as silk ever since.

Even after patching yesterday, crossplay is still causing issues for some people. FYI - you have to do it at the character select screen. You can’t change this option while playing.


If you haven’t noticed it already. This game is badly coded.


First time it happens, my computer crashed completely

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Having the same issue.
Constant stutters, I get stuck in terrain, opening UI freezes my game, lag spikes are crazy and game crashes out of the blue.


He says install High Resolution assets

I already posted this maybe it will help someone.

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Servers are overloaded. They didn’t get used to this ppl. numbers online :rofl:


I have the same problems.
Freezes in towns on open inventory, season (U), skill tree…

And I don’t know why. A friend doesn’t have this freezes and all the twitch streamers have also NO freezes.

My specs:
Mainboard: Gigabyte GA 350 Gaming 3
Proci: Ryzen 3600
Nvidia 2060 Super

MSI Afterburner is the only running background programm.

Yep…same…kinda sucks truth be told. Did not see this pre season 2.


same here, looks like UI design is technical


Same here… Freeze, stutter, crashes… AND I’M AN HARDCORE PLAYER!



game freezes 2-10 sec, sometimes freezes completely + CPU overheating

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I have been experiencing the same issues since S2. This issue did not exist for me prior to this season.

I’ve already turned Cross Play and Cross Communication off and it makes no difference. I’ve tried lowering settings, capping FPS, etc. nothing makes a difference.

EDIT: I rolled my NVIDIA driver back as I’ve read it helped others, and I can say this also solved my issue. Rolled back to the Oct 10 version 537.58 (version in device manager) and it seems to be working properly again.


Same issues as everyone else here and never had any of these issues before season 2.
Something changed with season 2 that created these issues.


Same here too, also same exact specs as OP.
it’s soooo frustrating because gameplay was flawless pre update.
I can’t even get past the title screen sometimes. Occasionally I get to the screen with the start button.
It’s gotten progressively worse all day.
If I do get in as soon as I move it starts to freeze.
I see the reconnecting message in the top left a lot as well.
I just want to playyyy! :sob:

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Same tho, everything was fine before season now im having the same issues…

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mine is off and i still get dc issues

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Same issue I’m having. Middle of a fight and everything just paused. That and (immune) other things (immune) I experienced (immune) on Eternal (immune).

My problems are that randomly, when hitting A to go to the skills window to allocate skill points, or I to open inventory, the game will freeze but not the computer.

Waiting about 10-15 seconds usually gets it to display what I wanted and I can continue playing normally until the next time it happens.

Done the repair tool - nothing found wrong.
System specs are fine and nothing changed beyond drivers updates from season 1 where there was no problem like this.

It’s so annoying.


same issue here, randomly freezing for 3-4 seconds (had also a longer freeze where Windows was already graying out the window of D4 not responding anymore, was about to click force close but then D4 came back to life) mostly when talking to a npc, giving in quest, clicking on item on inventory, or using town portal. I guess this is a server issue and client is freezing for not able to communicate with server. maybe because of Steam support since S2. or they dramatically reduced server capacity after a lot of people stopped playing. nice job Blizzard.

deactivating cross play might fix the issue, have not tested so far.

there is also another bug since S2 when you play at 60fps, tab out of game, back in, port to random location, game is now going down to under 60fps for example 48fps and takes around 20 seconds for it going back to 60fps.

activate a FPS meter like MSI afterburner and monitor fps, you will see the game will randomly suddenly drop from 60fps to 47fps or bit above and then go up again to 60fps.

doesnt happen if you cap fps to 120fps for example. but then you need to disable vsync on 60hz monior and have tearing.