Game crashing when I am at vendor

After completing Nightmare Dungeon and going to the vendor to sell/salvage items game crashes often.

GPU: 4070ti
CPU: i7-13700K
Chipset: Z690 GAMING X
OS: Win 10 pro 64bit
RAM 32GB 6000 MHZ

It happens after a longer gaming session. 5-6 hours maybe.

[Main Thread] Game Freezes/Crashes GPU fans screaming when opening specific UI Elements - June 2023 - Technical Support - Diablo IV Forums (

Go to this thread and submit the data they are requesting.

There are similar reports of a potential memory leak where over time the VRAM maxes out and even exceeds the GPUs cap. Have you tried to monitor your VRAM while playing?

What is your Texture setting?

yep that is what happens to me also. Map´s and inventory and all vedors

Now I crashed while I was in town after Nightmare Dungeon.

Maybe it has nothing to do with the vendor…

After Nightmare Dungeon I will be at the vendor for sure.

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i also crash constantly when im at a vendor

i9 10700

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This has become a giant annoyance. since 1.0.3 i crash if im at the shop window for more than about 30 seconds

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For me crashing is fixed. Will test today because I plan to play a lot. But I am sure I had many sessions that where longer than 6 hours after the patch. I did not crash for a long time.

EDIT: I just crashed in town again… But this time it happened after longer playsession like 9-10 hours.

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