Have to agree. Memory problems such as those would show up in multiple things, not just one game.
That said.
I know this game can be touchy about XMP enabled memory or DOCP (AMD) in rare instances.
But skipping past it being memory here:
The reason I pointed out FPS, is because this game is kinda backwards when it comes to FPS and how the game runs.
You really need to set a cap on the FPS rate. And you want that set to where it won’t dip, even if you are in a heavily player populated town, or while looking at the blacksmith inventory. No dips.
If its dipping, you need to set it lower, or start turning things off. Here’s why:
This game for whatever reason is highly dependent on the in-game latency being at 10ms or less. There is no easy way to monitor this, but you can install a tool like RivaTunerStatistics (usually partnered with Afterburner) to provide a customizable on-screen readout of your system stats.
Mine monitors temps, fan speed, GPU load, memory usage, VM usage, etc., along with in-game latency and FPS.
What I have noticed, is when your GPU is set to lets say… 200FPS. But the game is bouncing between 100-180FPS all the time, the in-game latency is constantly spiking and changing as a result. This causes noticeable issues with the game play.
Now, once I get the FPS capped to where its no longer fluctuating at all, the in-game latency flatlines to a nice low 8.5-9.5ms, with occasional 10ms, the game plays very nicely. The only time you see FPS or latency change is when you do a cut scene or teleport, or open a stash. But they are very brief.
Bottom line, stabilize the FPS, stabilize the in-game latency, and the game will perform better and hopefully crash less.
Mine is pretty rock solid, but I keep on top of that in these cases.
I have to take some of this back. I just got done recording a video showing why this was important, only to find out I was wrong. Somewhat.
I will share said video shortly.