Game crashes after game update

This always happen portalling town to dungeons. 5 or 6 times daily.

Last log

W 2024.02.09 09:24:27.648155	[Game] 'ClientReceiveHeartbeat' received out-of-order tick | cur_tick: 495480 | msg_tick: 495468
I 2024.02.09 09:24:27.648677	[Game] Initializing client world Sanctuary_Eastern_Continent...
I 2024.02.09 09:24:27.648745	[Game] Client world initialized Sanctuary_Eastern_Continent (1048577)...
I 2024.02.09 09:24:27.648829	[Game] Local player long distance snap (0.00, 0.00, 0.00 vs 675.68, -417.71, 3.79)
I 2024.02.09 09:24:27.729664	[Game] [Prism] 11160: Purged 63 entries from the render and compute pipeline caches in 0.212ms
I 2024.02.09 09:24:27.729684	[Game] Disposing UI for World
I 2024.02.09 09:24:27.811013	[Game] Adjusting world Sanctuary_Eastern_Continent (69068) subzone from Boss_WT4_Duriel (1496162) to Kehj_Gea_Kul (747176)
I 2024.02.09 09:24:27.844739	[Game] Client entered world | world: Sanctuary_Eastern_Continent | CWorldID: 1048577
I 2024.02.09 09:24:27.905660	[WarpManager] Warped into destination
I 2024.02.09 09:24:28.214647	[WarpManager] Starting outro effect default_warp_effect_outro (239915)
I 2024.02.09 09:24:28.225277	[Game] Client: sHandleDisconnect | connection_id: 10
I 2024.02.09 09:24:28.225354	[Game] ClientDisconnect | connection_id: 10 | reason: 8 | connections_remaining: 1
I 2024.02.09 09:24:28.225360	[Game] ConnectionBase::Disconnect | connection_id: 10 | reason: 8 | connectiontype: 4
I 2024.02.09 09:24:28.225577	[Game] Client Disposed world 524290.
I 2024.02.09 09:24:29.212792	[WarpManager] Portal completed
W 2024.02.09 09:24:29.469076	[Online.Systems.CPresence] Unhandled bnet account presence field | presence_field_id: 23
W 2024.02.09 09:24:29.469139	[Online.Systems.CPresence] Unhandled bnet account presence field | presence_field_id: 23
W 2024.02.09 09:24:29.469170	[Online.Systems.CPresence] Unhandled bnet account presence field | presence_field_id: 23
I 2024.02.09 09:24:30.032061	[Game] ---------------- UIModalNotificationManager::ShowModal 2: KĆ¢bus Zindanları da dĆ¢hil olmak Ć¼zere tĆ¼m zindanları sıfırlamak istediğinden emin misin? Sefer zindanları etkilenmeyecek.
I 2024.02.09 09:24:31.826306	[WarpManager] Intro portal to dungeon Subzone 'Boss_WT4_Duriel'
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Same here. The last week has been frequent. 1 hour ago I left Varshan dungeon and game froze. I have been trying to get back in with no success. Right now staring at the door with flames on the edge. Tried running installation repair with no repair needed. Windows 11 is all up to date. Video card drivers are good. I can play D3 with no issues. Last Epoch works fine. Itā€™s not my computer.

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Vader and Irondoc, is this still happening for you, if so see my notes here:

Same here. Can t play , still getting disconnect everytime i complete a pit

Keep following me here, and I will keep on troubleshooting this until we have a working solution, in the meantime there are some tasks that I ask people to test out for me to see if you folks have the same issues, if so they could be a root cause of the crashing.

thanks Iā€™m reading it. my problem with this patch is that the client enters instances that lags or have a desync and gives me blackscreen and disconnects. sometimes it does this when I teleport into a town or exit a pit, sometimes even when I enter a dungeon/pit/boss lair. it never did this before and I always loaded the area quickly. now it doesnā€™t load it and it kicks me or if it or sometimes itā€™s with a very high ping and I canā€™t moove. but itā€™s not a problem with my internet or PC

For example now i had 5fast pits without problems but everytime i went back to town i had blackscreen and slow loading, and the last time it disconneted mešŸ˜’ everything was perfect till the patch. And everything is perfect if i don t zone.

I have received this as well. Even went so far as to complete a fresh install of windows, update all drivers and stillā€¦ same issue. After reviewing the crash logs, it states that the spirit walker spells iā€™m casting donā€™t match the version expected by the server. Some pretty awesome experience updatesā€¦ for sureā€¦ not. The only common thing I can see with other players right now is that many are using the 3080 video card series, as am I. Current driver fails, last driver failsā€¦ one before that failsā€¦ so, the common denominator now is the game is just terrible.

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After the so called ā€œpatchā€ to evade because it was supposedly causing issuesā€¦ spoiler, I never noticed these ā€œissuesā€ā€¦ I am now crashing constantly.
Previous to ā€œpatchā€ I had crashed maybe four times since launch of xpac. After the nerfā€¦ err ā€œpatchā€, I have crashed upwards 25 times and Iā€™m sure that once I sit down to play tonight, that number will go up again.

Glad the fixed things with that patch.
