Game causes home network to crash

Not sure what’s changed over the last 48hrs… but D4 is nuking my network at least every 15mins today - causing disconnect from server(s) during dungeons.

No issues during beta on PC or PS5
No issues during early release on PC, and was doing fine up until yesterday (today being worse).

Moved from a wireless to a wired connection - averaging 400/30 mbps

OK, had a pretty smooth experience most of the day today, until about 5:45pm EST. Now, I’m getting lag, but not the crash yet today.

So I’ve run into this a couple more times, but found an easy way to fix it. Just need to disable and re-enable my NIC and I’m able to play normally again.

This is what I’ve been seeing:


And the only eventlog that has any relevant thing that I can find is this:


I’m not sure if the WHEA events are related to me disabling my nic or not, that may be the case, I didn’t look at the issue until after I’d solved it (silly me, I know), but this is very much an issue somehow tied to D4. I’ve never seen this occur before I started playing D4, and all my other devices and PCs (I have 2 others) aren’t lagging or dropping pings at all while this is occurring.

[EDIT] I should also add that I’ve never seen this issue once outside of playing D4, regardless of what other game or activity I’m doing.

I’m having this same exact issue. I called both netgear and spectrum and they said my hardware is fine and should be more than capable of handling a game. Only happens on Diablo 4, no other game does this.

All I can say is that this game causes a lot of data traffic. Playing D4 for one day (8h) = 1 GB data. This is awful for people like me playing via an LTE router. In comparison, a full month of WoW including Discord is like 5 GB.

Hello, I have exactly the same problem.

I can play 5mn, like I can play 30mn or 1hour and gets a network crash. It seems to be completely random. Seems to happen even more with a ALT-TAB.

I’ve reset my router.
I’ve reset my IP on my PC.
Do some tricks with

Nothing works at all and I lose my time.

This is the only game who does this, I have no problem with others games, and this is the first time I gets a problem like this with a game.

I’m gonna test this when I have time :

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What a BS reply from blizz support, yet again. “It’s all of you, not us, our terrible software doesn’t cause issues! You must be stupid and doing something wrong!”

Keep blaming us, please. And what about Nvidia Broadcast x Discord x D4? Are we just bad stupid dumb users for having 2 tasks that ARENT d4 running while d4 is? Get real, and solve the issues, stop meandering and saying its our fault your buggy software is buggy. You had 10 years to work on these issues, and you’re having to resort to the community to fix all of them. It’s PATHETIC!!!

1gb for 8h of play is NOTHING

This is still an issue for me.

I’m curious. Are you connecting to your home network using a WiFi connection?

No. Not at this time.

Well, alright. What brand/model was the network router/modem?

Win 10

Wow. Not a lot of info on that unit. Looks pretty basic too. I’m guessing you are in EU?

Found an FCC test report: LOL

Not much I can offer here. Outside of seeing if you can update the firmware, but its probably regulated by the ISP.

Yea, already did some things suggested by this thread today including DMZ. It’s a crappy unit, but the ISP forces it on you. I had a better router, it is what it is.

Any chance it might be bad and they would replace it? Or have you tried this already?

No, had it for months and I have issues only with Diablo 4. It disconnects me after a few hours of play. Also happens only on the device which run Diablo 4.

Hello, so I tested WinMTR multiple times, and results are not good at all :
(stupid thing for a forum to do, you need to copy-past the link in imgur . com)

Sometimes I can have about 1-5 of lost packets, which can be normal, and like here about 15 and 35 of lost packets. This is insane and I don’t have this problem with other game. I mean, of course it happen that I can have about 1-5 of lost packets, sometimes rarely above it can be normal in the world of networking, not everything is 100% stable all the time.

But with Diablo IV and, the lost packets are frequently above 5-30.

Do something Blizzard please, because it’s your network infrastructure that looks outdated with the new versions of current routers, or something like that.

If you want to post results from WinMTR, use the “Export HTML to Clipboard” and then simply paste that directly into your reply.

This will properly format it and everything for us to review.

Then we can see if you actually have an issue and where it might be. :smiley:

There is additional info in the main thread for general network issues along with some potential fix updates that may help some here:

-For everyone having connection issues of various types: UPDATE 6-21-23

Xfinity just came to my house and replaced my box. I moved my machine to the living room and I’m hard-wired to the box now that doesn’t fix it. When I start Diablo 4 it crashes my network from 760ish Mbs… to 8mbs. Ive never seen anything like this. It will crash every computer in my house. When I close Diablo it will go back to normal. Is there a fix for this? Or is there something we have to wait for Blizzard to do? Ive never had a smooth game since I’ve been playing. About every 40 paces or so moving from zone to zone my latency will creep up to 1250ish or so, then sometimes come back down, to playable, sometimes not. But again, when I close the app. back to normal. It’s 100% coming from Diablo. Ive tried everything to fix. I don’t think its on our end.