Fullscreen (exclusive) unavailable, only windowed

I don’t have access to the game at this time, and unfortunately it’s looking like i will have to work on this issue from the gpu settings rather than from the game where we used to be able to before.
Too bad though, seems like they could do something from their end to bring it back at least in some way even if not in the original form of the coding behind the scenes to at least give people back the options.

If it’s not the case it’s coming back , i guess they will be removing soon(ish) the remnants of the old option left in the game if they have not already.

Thanks for the replies, and yes, i do run what some might consider odd settings for my monitor for visual health reasons.
For example and i know people will laugh, i use a 21.5 monitor . As my eyes start to have issues with monitor sizes 22 or over.

im not laughing, but i find it weird, since you can put bigger Monitors just further away, should be a matter of perspective.

I do not have the Vsync option available to turn it on (maybe it has to be Fullscreen to be enabled? ), I set Vsync enabled on Nvidia Control Panel but the game keeps crashing or the images being doubled/tripled like it’s been drunk or something, does anyone have this issue?

Yeah how are we supposed to do certain things without fullscreen? And also how is my HDR going to work without it as well, windowed normally doesnt work with HDR.

no clue why these idiots got rid of Actual Fullscreen but it needs to come back.
literally NO reason it shouldn’t be here.


does everyone here have windows 10?

my CPU cant be upgraded to windows 12, and it seems that might be the problem?

i have three monitors and when i move the mouse, even in window full mode, my cursor will go to the 2nd or 3rd screen and wreak havoc on game play… its almost unplayable

I totally agree with every word you said. In diablo 4 my whole game has insane tearings and even black outs since my rx 580 hates direct 12 windowed modes. I really need the fullscreen option back or else I am forced to do a refund aswell because I am not interested to play with my monitor dying and forcing me to turn it on and off just to barely move 5 yards in game to repeat the whole devious cycle

I noticed this issue as well, I had to change my main display to play on second monitor I hope this gets fixed ASAP :pleading_face:

There is an option to lock the mouse to the game in the settings.

I have been playing since the Alpha, and this game has come a LONG way. As for not having a Fullscreen option, it’s not a deal breaker for me. Game works fine, and I get no Tearing. I’m on a 7900XTX, with or without Vsync on it’s been fine. I chose to use Vsync because 1. My monitor is 165Hz, and 2. It keeps my GPU cooler, since it doesn’t have to work as hard to deliver Frames. I have A-Sync enabled and even if I turn Vsync off, I still get no tearing. So something is wrong.

Game needs (true) full screen. There are a lot of features that many of us have invested in and purchased over the years that require it. Many other DX12 Titles will allow you to run DX11. No command line parameter to run DX11?


Still don’t get why they removed it. I was using it during some of the beta(s) and it was working fine. I could select resolution ingame and everything. Now I can’t.

Last I heard the report was that they removed it cause some or more people were having issues with alt-tabbing.
Not being able to alt tab was never a deal breaker for me as not having fullscreen was so i can resize my dang ui and get rid of those pesky black bars.

If we had more than a 2 hour window to work on this to see if we can possibly reach a workaround it wouldn’t be soo bad, but 2 hours is “it” to find out and get a refund if we can’t fix it outside the game.

I would rather play this on pc, but i don’t feel like risking 70 bucks to not be able to fix it outside the game.
Be nice if they would take the time to pop in and talk about this.

This game has sooo many issues if you just look at the bug reports and that is not including the issues within the game itself.
With any luck in a few more months (like this game needed before release), they will get this stuff sorted out.

Still no update on this? its a real pain running multiple monitors and having the cursor travel to another monitor during a fight and freezing up the game.

Lock the mouse to the window. There is an option for this in the game settings. To get to the other screen, alt tab.

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You rock, Thank you!

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