Frenzy Attack speed Theorycrafting

Long time (long suffering) Frenzy Barb player here. Wanted to ask the people with better game knowledge then me about maximizing attack speed. The best I can do right now is +116% and supposedly the max is +200%.

I know there are technically 2 buckets for increasing Attack speed, but has anyone run the math on how to maximize both.

Explicitly, what is the fastest attack speed for the Frenzy skill itself you can achieve and what skills/gear/affixes are needed to obtain it?

Click on Barbarian.

It tells you what the two buckets are with a 100% IAS for each (total 200%) hard cap.

Breakpoints are listed and sources for each.


100% Attack speed from cap2 is very easy to reach for Frenzy build with its own attack speed buff and Basic attack speed on Shard of Verathiel.

Good options for attack speed cap1 are triple crit GA attack speed RoSS and GA attack speed Andariel’s Visage.

I’m not sure MaxRoll is actually updated/accurate here.

I’m maxing out at 116% attack speed using all different combinations of things (Item affixes, Elixir of advantage, Shard, Andurials, Starless Skies, various aspects etc).

I’m hitting a hard cap at 116% regardless of which combination I’m using and it’s making me think they changed the buckets with Vessel of Hatred. It appears that they moved all the Attack Speed modifiers into one bucket, and then omitted (probably by accident) the bonus from Carnage. If that’s the case that’s an absolute giga-nerf to Frenzy itself, and it’s a total gut punch because I don’t think it was in need of a nerf nonetheless an enormous one such as that.

Maybe my Methodology is off because I’m just hitting the training dummy with the stats open.

So if someone can get a higher Attack speed with the frenzy attacks itself I’d be very curious to see how they are doing it.

It is entirely plausible. Blizzard has given limited tools for testing and broke a ton of stuff in S7

Basic attack speed on Shard of Verathiel doesn’t show in stats panel.

My guess is that the 116% you see is 100% cap1 with 16% cap2 from Carnage.

You are probably already at the 200% AS cap with Frenzy AS buff and Shard of Verathiel.

Geez, they really don’t make it easy for you to know what’s going on with your character do they?

Nope. They do not. Testing is really tedious and it was only recently they even put in a dummy. If the thread on just the Ring of Mendeln is the only thing you read, it tells you just how incredibly messed up the game is. This is A SINGLE ITEM with tons of broken interactions. One that a hotfix went out on and still did not correct the problems. Mountain’s Fury is similar. Third Blade still has a bunch of broken stuff. Lucions etc.

The extent that the game is not working at all as intended has to be pretty bad.

Do very true, and sad at the same time.