Framegen cannot be enabled?

Yeah i play @ 4k 138hz so that’s a lot tougher then 1440p
I only have the first option on low now.
I used to have all the rt options max + framgen without any issue but if i max them now the fps goes everywhere which wasn’t the case even before they enabling fg before.

Dunno seems they changed something cause as I did say in another topic, I also sometimes notice that stuff is blurry around the edges of the screen. Maybe I can see this quite well cause I play at a 42 inch screen at a not so great distance.
I don’t really notice it when moving/dark dungeon and stuff. But in like the open light jungle area I notice it from time to time.
If I walk to the stuff that is blurry it goes away and stuff like a rock/wall/tree trunk get’s crispy clear again till I place them around the edge again.
I really have a feeling they implemented something that cause this new effect but I don’t see any blur effect options you can just disable.

I really have the feeling they implemented something that introduced this and maybe that’s one of the causes they disabled that foilage rt + fg as well.

Before the expansion I didn’t see that blur effect everything was crispy also around the egdes. And the rt performance was a lot better even with all the RT all maxed out and no FG on.

I seem not to be the only one that is noticing this: