Found the razorplate

it has 1 stat, is this supposed to be like that ?

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lucky. ive been trying to get this items for WEEKS no luck and yes it only has 1 stat. thorns.

I have 1 and it rolled the lowest value

Yes. In its best form, itt can have almost 12,000 thorns dmg on it before upgrading. If you’re making a thorns build, that amount of thorns is easily worth being the only stat on the item.

Wait it 9nly has thorns? Nothing else?

Maaaaan, as cool at it sounds, idk if i want to repalce my current chest for that

I upped it up to 11k thorns, it rolled with 9k

Really? I think ive salvaged 6 lol…no tempest roar though. Then again, i get a pretty strong feeling if youre specced for something in particular you will see alot of uniques for other builds but not yours. On purpose.

Of course. There is no such thing as true RNG in the gambling industry, and that’s all this game is.

Yeah, I have gotten a few. It seems that once a unique finally drops for you, the chance of getting it again go up a lot.

im level 98 and specifically been farming best areas and ways for chest items no luck lmao. also the higher level i get the less uniques drop it seems. now im only getting 1 unique every 24-48 hours of gameplay.

I`m 80 and found it, so there you go

must be nice. i herd somewhere loot drops are lowered as you level so making new toons of the same class and re leveling is better for unique farming because at level 98 im only seeing 1 unique every few days of heavy farming

I’ve vendored that one a few times. Meanwhile, I can’t find Penitent Greaves for the life of me. :frowning:

I got two of them. One sacred, one ancestral. They both only have thorns damage.