Found out a trick to avoid respeccing

Hey, I found out a trick to avoid respeccing if you want to try 2-3 different builds until the armory is released.

So basically you play your class to 60 and make your build. While you are creating your build you look out for items that other builds you are interested in and put them in your stash.

As soon as you have enough items or all items you need you create a new class (same one as yours) and now comes the trick:
don’t respec your main, thats too much work. You level the new created class to 60 and boom you have all the paragon points from your class before.

So now you can play for example landslide druid (main) and boulder druid on your alt without having to respec constantly.

You can level 1-60 pretty fast if you sit in a pit while someone does a higher one for you in 15 minutes.

It’s way faster than respeccing your main and a lot cleaner.

Another pro tip from me:
If you have two monitors or worste case you don’t you can use your smartphone. Open a build (second) and search those items for the other build without having to minimize your game.

With two monitors its easier, the more you have the more builds you can have open while gaming and keep the item screen up with the stats you require. But if you only have one screen just use your phone and turn off auto display shutdown on phone

So the trick that you found is that you can make new chars? I dont think youre as revolutionary as you may think.


I think you might be missing the point of the post. It isn’t to inform of the obvious, it’s to present the absurdity that it is easier and more time efficient to make a new character entirely than respec your current one.

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Is it still not the case that you have to find and level up glyphs per char?

Again, still less annoying than to respec and have to redo paragon boards lol

Hell no it took me hours to get my glyphs to 100 and it can take hours to find the right ones after you hit 60 if rng is not kind.

That has always been the play for D4. It’s how Blizz sold it to us, how it felt playing the beta, and how people have been playing for 6 seasons.

It’s not just obvious, it’s literally how they expect you to play, and unlocking the paragon board account wide only improves that.

It’s why S6 is better than previous seasons for alts.

Doesn’t make the game any more interesting though.

I want to do DC, but I’m not going to group with randos and have them quit half way, or find a reason to kick me.

My friends don’t overlap with my playtime for long enough for us to do it together, so S6 is already over. No alts required.

And again, it might be slight hyperbole, but still, the point is that respeccing is horribly tedious and this post is to bring attention to it. I actually do like the second character option because once the glyphs are found and leveled you’re all done, enjoy playing the game. Spending that much time in town is awful especially when you do it often