Forceful Arrow affixes suggestion

So after looking at all the PTR content, and seeing a variety of new and updated builds one thing really bothered me.

The tempering affixes between classes have such a huge disparity I don’t see how it could be fair.
Perfect example would be the tempering affix for Barb that makes Bash cleave for up to 300% increased damage. With this affix and the basic skill uniques, a full Bash Barb is insane and can clear high end content.

So I have to ask why Rogue only got “chance to cast skill twice” affixes?

With the right affixes, we could actually finally get D2 Multishot since Forceful Arrow already pierces.

With an affix like: “Forceful Arrow shoots 3-7 additional projectiles”, we could mimic D2 multishot, because Barrage isn’t even close to the feeling of Multishot.

Also toss in a “Forceful arrow deals 100-200% increased damage” and you’ve got yourself a clean new actual Ranged build that a HUGE portion of the playerbase wants.

I really hope some devs see this and seriously consider this, myself and a friend love diablo but we’ve had serious issues even wanting to play the game because we both love Multishot builds and D4 fails to provide one despite it being in the past 2 Diablo titles.

Why wouldn’t you just go Penetrating Shot with the multi? Not that I love Barrage…seems like a weirder Rapid Fire, but not sure how Forceful Arrow differs that much from Pen Shot. I’m guessing you want the additional projectiles to cone out?

I finally got around to playing druid stormclaw this season. I gotta say, that should be the standard for how a basic attack build should be designed. There are a lot of interesting interactions going on and different ways to tweak the build. I have a build going where there’s the potential for 5-6 basic attacks to happen off of one strike. For me it has the cool factor going in spades. Rogue has Asheara’s for Cutthroat basics and Pestilent Points for Puncture. There’s nothing for the other Marksman basics. Rogue definitely needs some love. The tempering system coming in S4 will definitely help powerwise but it’s not going to change how bland it is.

Or Sorc Arc Lash, Firebolt Sorc or even Bash Barb going forward - all have significantly more “combos” to use on a basic skill than Rogue. Rogue really doesnt know what it wants to do at the moment. Technically there was Puncture with Surge but that was just because of Surge. All squish no damage to compensate. Not that I personally want to play a basic Rogue build.

Yes I would like the arrows to shoot in a cone just like D2, D3, Split Arrow on PoE.

Standard ARPG ability that was for some reason modified into Barrage that we have now.