Forced Max Resolution is Making You Lag in the Overworld

I’ve noticed that you cannot change the resolution on diablo 4.

I do not have major lag problems, however alot of people are.

I have a rtx 2060 and a 4k monitor but struggle to play newer games on 4k setting like remnant and BG3. But those games work flawlessly when i adjust the resolution down.

It even states in their settings description. Higher resolution will increase clarity, but will GREATLY impact performance.

However D4 does not allow you to change resolution which is EXTREMELY barebones of any video game.

Peoples lag is likely coming from the fixed resolution, which is another things that comes from bad coding. Internet connection is typically a non issue these days.

This could easily resolve their “they can’t zoom out” issue.


Have you tried lowering your desktop res.?

I guess you’ll just have to enable DLSS to Performance, or Ultra Performance as a work around, since you said you had a 2060.

yes it’s stupid they disabled the scaling in game. Easiest way to fix is just R Click you desktop and go to Display Properties and set the resolution to 1920x1080.

Let me clear things up.

I am not having major lagging issues, just about 2-3 second stalls when entering certain areas of the overworld, which isnt that bad.

The point is its SUPER BAD coding and is impairing alot of other peoples gameplay.

And to confirm my theory, I did adjust my pc resolution down to 1080 and had 0 lag.

I should not have to change my pc setting when it should be an option in the game.

This is mainly an awareness thread.

You have two options:

  1. Use the resolution scaler in the game and choose FSR or DLSS (depending on your GPU brand, i.e. AMD/nVidia). At 4k a setting of 50-75% and/or selecting DLSS alone with Performance setting can give you more frames.

  2. As others have noted here, you can temporarily set your desktop to 1080p to lower the strain on your GPU. You’ll lose a small bit of clarity, but thankfully it’s almost unnoticeable since 1080p is an even divisor into 4k so the display simply uses pixel doubling for that resolution.

I do agree D4 really should have a resolution selection option and I’m not sure why it wasn’t included. Nobody’s found an answer as to why it isn’t in the game.

Lol, its kinda hilarious they don’t have such a basic option in PAID 70$+ game WITH MICROTRANSACTIONS AND BATTLEBASS.

A support person said the resolution thing was being looked at weeks ago in another thread. Whether or not that’s actually true is anyone’s guess.

we can zoom out, just not able to control it XD , i.e. boss fights , certain zones, viewing locations. they are stubborn with their decisions and are to lazy to go back and fix their spaghetti code they call a ‘finished game’

That is because maybe the coding was done in a country that still uses crt’s lol