Fixed an issue where Barbarians were having fun

Bash wasnt actually nerfed. Adam Jackson confirmed on Twitter (formerly known as X).
We good, bois, we good. Fun police avoided.

  • Fixed an issue where Barbarian’s Bash was dealing multiplicative damage instead of additive damage when combined with the Tempering Affix that causes Bash to cleave.

Of all the bugs and crazy double-triple dipping damage multipliers, they nerfed Bash. This build wasnt even the hardest hitting barb build, not to mention Golem, Victimize and perma-invulnerability sorc.
Oh, well. Fun police strikes again.


This is a huge kick in the teeth for the people that have heavily invested in master working bash specific gear, that’s a ton of time farming gold and grinding the pit down the drain.


Real Barbarians get kicked in the teeth, smile, and ask for more! Then maim your foot and beat you with it.

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As someone who was looking forward to trying it (who knows, might still be v strong?), just gotta point out that this sort of buggy interaction slips past the “testers” a lot in this game.

  • fixed an issue that cause Rogue to do multiplicative damage for legendary affixes affecting Basic skills, e.g. Hearthseeker, instead of beeing additive

p.s.: I am playing Rogue

Well, I knew that the cleave temper was increasing damage way more than any other damage affix but I don’t think any nerfs are called for until the pit is fixed. In fact, other builds should have been buffed up to twice the damage of the bash build.

I have no idea how they expect people to reach Tier 200 without a bugged exploit style build if they consider the Bash build too strong lmao.

I was waiting on the patch notes to see what they do about Diablo IV - 1-Shots Reborn.

No idea if this applies to The Pit:

“* Fixed an issue where End Game bosses were dealing more damage than intended in certain scenarios.”

Very vague…

Should have nerfed much more than just Bash.

Whelp, looks like thorns is now the definitive barb meta.

I am disappointed at this. I invested a lot of time and effort in my toon. And just like that, all gone. Watch it will not even be a viable build anymore.

so was the PTR for nothing!!! what is this 70+ hours down the drain. now thorns soon to be nerf a long side leap. thanks Rob nerf barbs

barb is legit only 20% of the pop

Blizz: ok fine I just gonna nerf sorc and druid , coz no big streamer ply these

There are only five classes to play in D4….


Seems about right.

You all should lurk more before posting- your broken OP build is not being nerfed

not when necro is 60%

Yeah it was stated this was an internal bug and not one that ever went live, and was added to the notes by accident.

People need to stop spreading this… rumor. I even saw it being spread last night in a few streams (their chat).

You now it’s just the fotm atm yeah? How many seasons was Barb the reining meta and most played? I forget if it was one or three seasons :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.

Edit: Oh and lest I forget…


barb was top because of exploits and half of the skills where turned off! look at barb now, using 1 skill what a shame! devs dont know how to fix barbs

Hopefully they will get all the classes in line at some point but :man_shrugging: