FIX - Stuttering issue fixed - See inside!

I had stuttering in server slam and now in retail even in the private starter area but finally got the issue fixed! I read a lot of posts of people with even high-performance CPU/GPU combos having this issue with no fix. It followed me even on other PCs in my own home.

Fix is to set network profile to PUBLIC

I know this seems weird and I cant take credit for finding this, but when set to Private your PC polls for other devices on the network. I’m not sure how Diablo 4 is tied into this, but I believe it has something to do with the device refresh when polling and the feature that it can interact with Peripheral Lighting. Even with that setting off in D4 I had stuttering but there may still be some device detection going on. Try it yourself and see the difference!

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Interesting. Will try this, thanks. I do have a bit of peripheral lighting. Can you post this in the main stutter thread?

My fenris logs were absolutely loaded with polling devices every 30 seconds, but it was audio devices. I do believe that it is tied to device polling in general.

Where do you find this ‘Network Profile’ Setting?

This doesn’t do anything.

Game has been set to public the entire time.

My network is already set to public and there is no improvement.

Please head over to [Main Thread] Frame Rate Hitching / Stuttering on PC 4090 - #252 by ShadWalker-1719

I know that’s a long thread at this point, but there are a ton of ideas that the community has come up with in there. Seems as though about half of the people who had stuttering issues got them resolved by following that thread.

For me personally, it was telling Windows that my home network was ‘public’ (untrusted network), which is more restrictive than setting it to ‘private’ (trusted network). Doing that made it so that the game stopped constantly polling my audio devices, which I believed to be a cause of the hitching.

Good luck everyone! And it’s a shame that the Blizz technical community managers have been mostly inactive :frowning:

As a follow up on those who read this thread, if you didnt know where to find the Public network profile setting, the better option appears to be to set the service SSDP to disabled.

Blizz hasnt patched it yet to my knowledge but this is all related to device polling which is a part of what the SSDP service does. You can safely disable the service to stop the polling and play the game but I would make note to turn it back on in the future for supporting other things.

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