Shadow Clone is completely bugged with Poison Imbuement does not work.
Are you using the aspect that grants imbuement to it?
Im playing Twisting Blades (poison imbued) and use ShadowCLOWN. I have maxed “imitated imbument” and “corruption” aspect at max level.
I expect to see huge damage numbers when i call the shadow clown for help. But hits like a wet noodle.
I’m playing Flurry with Shadow Clone and I just completely ignore imbuements and go pure physical damage. It’s quite strong and I have all my equipped glyphs leveled to 100.
Until they fix it, I’d recommend playing pure physical or Shadow Imbuement instead.
My Twisted Blade Rogue got good gear. Only thing missing is the famous amulet with lots of plus to passives. At pit lvl 80 its END. 80 felt so bad. Never again.
I played a poison imbuement tb rogue before and even w/o the shadowClown it was a very hard hitting class.
But i cant play it any longer. Its too exhausting fighting against the damage sponges everywhere. I dont want to 1-shot bosses. But i want a steady gameflow and not just standing there seeing how awesome fast my blades are hitting and hitting for small damage numbers not compatible with T4 content.
My glyphs are at 71, My board is done. Only finetuning here and there. Im paragon lvl 238 but that seems not enough for the tb rogue to perform.
If anybody is interested what the build i took looks like. Its the twisted blades “s-tier” build from M1PY on Maxxroll.
Maxroll guides are so unimaginative and boring with Preparation everywhere.
My Flurry rogue with Grasp of Shadow using Inner Sight can kill pit 100 guardian in about 1 min.
Maxroll: Flurry Bossing B-tier. Grasp of Shadow unique D-tier.
Maybe i should also take some time to make my own builds.
I was a bid sad yesterday. I wont give up the tb rogue. I did a T4 undercity run for obducite few mins ago and he was moving from start to end within no time. When i enter the 3rd map i already have the 4/4 bonus and can directly run to the boss.
In the moment i dont have the mind for dig deep into doing own builds. I exactly know what skills i like to use and how the playstyle should look like.
But the season is young and i can try out a lot. I will play rogue exclusively this season.
Now i did a T4 infernal horde. I have chosen to pop up aether lords to see if i can handle them. I dont 1-shot them but i can easily kill them w/o getting out of the “kill flow”. Yesterday i was struggeling to bring down an aetheric mass but now no problem. I really had to look if im on T4 and not T3. Infernal hordes are fun now. I will do lots of them to get tempering mats. When im swimming in obducite and want to try out something new i have the mats.
Really strange… yesterday the aetheric mass took lots of hits in T4 hordes.
My head is bursting today. I just want to do enjoy the hordes now.
Last update: The council fight was taking too long. In S6 the heartseeker rogue just pewpewed it down within a few seconds. The TB Rogue has to fight 20 times as long.
Yeah definitely don’t rely fully on guide builds if you tweak around what feels right with guided help damage can be op.