First Time Player of Hardcore. Now I never want to play this game again

I lost my 54 sorc last night to a dc in open world lol. You just have to walk it off or play SC. It sucks I know but if you can’t walk it off and go again play SC

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That’s not very hardcore of op


Lol!!! Wait until you find out if you die in real life you cant come back either!


Apparently, it IS part of the hardcore experience.

Yep. And with a RMAH, they could profit handsomely by doing so.


Yikes, that’s a bit too hardcore even for me.

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It’s also not factual, but simply pure speculation

Cya kid im glad youre gone :skull::skull:

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Exactly. I have lost character and even teams of characters that were built over years of grinding. Losing characters played/built in hundreds of hours is nothing.

You assume all the risk. There is a fix coming but it’s not in the game yet, yet you played HC despite that. In the future keep scrolls of escape in your inventory and if you’re detected to have disconnected you’ll immediately go back to town.

Do we need to call the buambulance?

Welcome to hardcore. You’re getting neither back and nobody cares. Cry until your tears turn to fire.

I still have my first p100 from d3, but only because I never played it after that haha. I think the most hours I ever got on one character that I continued playing was about 425. Eventually, SOMETHING will get you if you keep playing. DC, bad play, bad luck, extreme pushing, something gets you.

Well, Its always like this… when your FIRST ever hc character dies.

Then you create another, and another… and after 20 more deaths, you are ready to GO with HC.


P1000 every late season here.

Difference being: you keep your paragon in D3, softening the hardcore experience. It’s still very early in the D4 cycle and I have a feeling things like GoEase and account wide unlocks will only soften the death curve over time.

I still play Hardcore. Have lost several characters over 30 because I’m bad, my internet is bad, or servers are bad. Get knocked down twice, get up three times. This is Hardcore, and anything else doesn’t feel the same when you finally succeed. Softcore is virtually Disney mode at this point.

True DAT!

/20 chars ok?

Kid this, kid that…

Are you trying to sound like what, exactly? Like a kid?

You sound like an adult wannabe, kid.

Welcome to hardcore. Your tears are added to the already overflowing cup of people who can’t handle hardcore and everything that comes with it.

No one is forcing anyone to make their character a HC one.