Fireball Sorc with Hydra

I’ve just checked Blyndside’s build, we got similarity in skills (obvious Hydra and Firewall will be same skills). Paragon is different. I think the problem with that guide if you read the comments, there’s a lot of speculation and it doesn’t look like he had enough time to play and test it. There’s nowhere there where he states it works against more difficult content like tier 90 to 100. Most of Blyndside’s current builds are now focused on lightning. My biggest bet is he also hit a wall with his Hydra and Firewall. I think I am more confident to say I did better than his unless he can show a higher tier than I did at T94. I almost got T100 but failed at the boss area.

I have seen Kripparian’s build back in S1 with Firewall and I don’t remember him even going to NM 100. Let me check his Firewall build now.

I checked Kripps updated guide but nowhere there it states or a link that shows he got to higher tiers. Also it’s just Firewall and no Hydra. Again I bet I did better than him in NM tiers with Firewall unless he can show me otherwise. I am not a fan of his playstyle to run away after casting Firewalls. That kinda reminds of Hydra players who run and hide 10 screens away. I prefer to be in the middle of the fight.

But anyway in both guides, there’s no indicator how far they got to in their NM dungeons.

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lol you do you man, if 20 minute dungeons playing scuffed builds and dying constantly is fun for you then go for it bro, though it doesn’t change how painful it was to watch you struggle though it and do nearly negative damage when there’s multiple other builds you could be playing

I am not saying it’s fun to keep dying but it’s not fun either blindly just copying other builds. I am at least partially okay that I got to Tier 94. I wound prefer if I could do better (kill faster etc) with Burn builds and that’s still a work in progress.

I am not here to copy other builds. No one is forcing you to watch anything. That video is a progression video as some folks are asking where the build is. I shared regardless if the state is not ideal.

Well, so far I am still waiting for those BETTER guides that show burn builds that are better than what I got so far. I am interested to see how they perform in higher NM tiers and not open world which is EASY. Can they clear NM tiers faster and go higher than T94?

I am not sure what’s your obsession in forcing someone to copy someone’s build when we already know what the result will be.

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no one said to copy anything little bro, it was just to check out and maybe learn something you didn’t know lad, kripp and blyndside aren’t playing the build for a reason lol. and like I said If you link youtube videos you’re gonna get opinions

I get what you are saying but I wonder if you got what I am saying. None of those builds you mentioned were any better. There’s no indication that they even played to higher NM tiers with those builds. You got YouTube vids where they have any?

I know Kripparian’s. But last time I checked his vids, I didn’t see anything where he pushed for higher tiers.

I don’t know what Blyndside’s YouTube channel is. I searched YouTube just now and can’t find any under that name.

I am not really interested in leveling build guides. Leveling with Sorc is brain dead easy.

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Thanks GreyGhost for investigating other avenues instead of blindly copy/pasting! :slight_smile:
And I too derive no pleasure, nay, worst, I feel like I am wasting my leisure time, by pursuing a build guide…

Hence… I also made my own build! :smiley:

Granted, ahem, I also use Ball Lightning (I realize it’s a Master skill, there is no avoiding it as good damage dealer when it’s spammed for free by the ult) but no Arc Lash for me, no no no. Spamming Chain Lightning instead (easy spam with the 3 mana per enemy hit and bounce 4 extra times bonus aspects and 8 mana per crackle energy passive) and recently got an ult uptime boost (since I am not using arc lash) with the Flickersteps boots :smiley:

Hydra? Was it not supposed to have got buffed back to 60 percent of weapon damage? Mine still says 12 percent…Also the lucky hit nerf on it was pretty horrible Hydra to me seems worse than ever,.

Hover your mouse over the node “Summoned Hydra” on your skill tree and you’ll see it says 60%

“Summoned Hydra” can be somewhat confusing.

It’s not the hydra skill. It’s a level 2 upgrade (1 of the 2 exclusive upgrade), that is named “Summoned Hydra” and add burning damage over time.

It’s that DOT that was increased from 12% to 60%.

Yeah have noticed that dot in pvp. Hydra sorc a 1 shot for me but once and awhile if they really good at evading me those hydras can be a pain.