Fire bolt build guide

can you guys give me a nice firebolt build guide? i think maxroll’s is pretty good, no?

h ttps://

max roll FB build is terrible and out dated. get it from this dude, he actually plays it and is the top pit clearer. note. you will need perfect GA gear to play this which is near impossible to get but GL anyways.

h ttps://

i use this guys builds for now b/c his gear set up is easier to attain.

anyway the important things are:

  1. achieve immortality with flame shield duration, cdr and some useful aspects
  2. as much dmg as possible

pretty much. perma flame shield at the very least is a must or you will have a real bad time lol. note. if you still can’t get uptime to perma, put hectic on your ammy and lose a bit of dps instead.

1 more thing, how to reset evade cooldown that quick? i see that this guy is teleporting like crazy

evade reset on hit on boots so he spams FB a lot and that procs the effect super fast.

i don’t understand why inferno cdr on the second ring
inferno is not even on the skill bar

pretty much a lack of putting anything else on the ring: that temper slot has pretty much no real choices.

i have 2 questions:
1 why armor and life on gear if you’re immortal?
2 why teleport on the skill bar if you only use evade (teleport enchantment)?

  1. when FS is not up, it’s nice to NOT be one shot by normal mobs in the open world. it’s why i use some armor.
  2. good for mobility to have an extra tp: two teles are better than one? idk.