Few improvement ideas and more - Season 5 or later?


The changes look incredible, after some time playing on the PTR. Congratulations to the entire Diablo 4 development team, and thank you for listening to the community.

A subject remains unanswered for me, the armory similar to Diablo 3.
Is it planned in Diablo 4 ? Thus allowing players to waste less time redoing their entire skill tree, as well as the paragons especially, and also having to equip stuffs from the chest.
A gold amount would be required to make the change of paragons and the skill tree.
This would allow players to play several builds, to do several types of content (speedfarm / pit push / bosses…) in a much more fluid and natural way.

Also another subject which in my opinion is not necessarily yet sufficiently accomplished, is the number of chest slots.
There are now 5 classes, soon 6, and there are only 6 chest slots, which quickly limits storage if we play several characters, whether in Seasonal or Eternal mode.

Also, with a maximum of 13 characters we are fastly limited in our possibilities.
In my opinion if we think of Softcore / Hardcore and Seasonal / Eternal, with 6 classes (soon), we should think about 6*4 characters at least ? Because I don’t see why people would have to “sacrify” a part of the game ; they should be able to play every classes, in every game mod.
That’s why it values even more the 2 previous improvement (storage and armory system) because we could have only 1 character per class and maybe per game mod.

Thank you once again for your work.
