Ferris error or pc crash and reboot

Hi, I have a new gaming pc with a 11900k intel cpu overclocked at 5.3Ghz and 64 Gig of RAM 3600Mhz with a RTX 3080 Ultra with a 1000Watts PSU. I have all the latest patches and my driver is up to date. Same thing for my BIOS.

Each time I try to play D4, after a few minutes I’ve got an Fenris Error and I go back on the desktop or my pc crash and reboot… Its sooo frustrating. Its the only game that I have that does that… so I dont thing its hardware related… so far. What is causing this ?

Some people said to run the game as admin. Which I did. Its seems to help a bit… but the game eventually crash.

No one in the technical support have found a way to fix this ?

I already uninstalled the game 3x time. Uninstalled fully my graphic driver with DDU and did a clean install. Ive try to check the log… but nothing seems to tell me what needs to be changed… if someone has a idea ? this game is a nightmare so far… unplayable. Never seen anything like this. I saw viruses
that did less damage than this to a computer. So annoying.

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Have you tried using DDU and going back to an older driver?

Not sure if it will help or not, but I know some have had good luck with the drivers from August. I’m running on the driver that was out for the game’s launch. It was the May 30th version. Still using that driver, been working fine so far.

Make sure your swap file is set to the same drive as the OS, (or on the default settings). Some people have tweaked with this, and caused issues. I personally have mine completely disabled, as I didn’t need to be using it.

Here, you can review my desktop settings to compare with your own:

-Full breakdown of a system that plays Diablo IV without problems:

Changing to an older driver:

-For those of you that have an Nvidia graphics card and have the following issues:

Good luck.

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