Fenris crash after logging in and spawning in town

anyone else game crashes as soon as you’re in town ? fenris menu popping up ?
299DC59B-F725-427C-99EC-4B9F15D7E852 was the long code it give me
haven’t been able to play since after the update with the goblins. i could pay on playstation though

I have been having the exact same issue since the last update. Noticed it yesterday as it was the first time I could play in a bit. Fenris pop up after immediate crash. Sometimes I can get into game, other times it happens as soon as I launch the game. I’ve tried scanning files along with reinstalling: The game itself, NVIDIA Drivers, even did a fresh install of windows. Nothing seems to have fixed it. I’ve gotten it stable maybe long enough to run a dungeon, but after that crashed. Really frustrating.

Tried opening a ticket, but they told me to come to the forums… Helpful.