Feedback for the Team

In spite of all the negativity on the forums this weekend, I think D4 is shaping up to be an amazing game. I had an absolute blast and am looking forward to the June launch. With that said, here are some thoughts I had on where potential improvements could be made. If some of these are already in the game and I missed them or are planned to be in the game at launch, my apologies in advance.

  1. Inventory Improvements:
    More sorting options would be nice. A “lock item” option would be a huge QoL improvement as well.

  2. UI Improvements:
    Custom chat tabs, free movement of UI elements, and a true mini-map overlay to easily keep track of where you’re headed while moving. Visible health/resource numbers/percentages, both in front of the health/resource globes but also above the player.

  3. Skill Tree/UI Improvements:
    Add “cluster” respecs of some sort so the player doesn’t have to find and right click each node connected to the one they’re trying to respec from.

  4. Camera Improvments
    I didn’t have any issues with the camera, per se, but I do think it could use an FOV slider.

  5. Technical Issues:
    I ran into invisible walls trying to leave Kyovoshad from the east bridge. I would also occasionally get snagged on the environment while in a dungeon.

  6. Class-related Issues:
    I played 3 different Barbarians to max level over the weekend, two on Hardcore. The only problem I have is that Leap is pretty inconsistent when I want to do the Barbarian thing. There were times I could make some sweet jumps off a big cliff into a crowd of mobs, and other times I couldn’t leap over a small wall into a courtyard. Being able to leap everywhere like a madman (within reason) since D2 has become a staple of Barb life.

  7. Gear-related Issues:
    I think D4 “legendaries” should be given a different label and color. These legendaries are really just “super rares” but there’s too much history and behavior to unwind here. I think it would be less confusing if they weren’t called legendaries or the color orange. I wouldn’t die on this hill though. I’d also rather see a better way for comparing stats between two items. The comparison should co-mingle positive/negative differences, rather than having huge green numbers at the top and small red numbers below them.

  8. Other Improvements:
    Hoping for true 32:9 Ultrawide perspective at launch. It looks like we got 21:9 in the beta, which was fine. Not a hill I would die on either.

I’m sure there are more suggestions I could make, but these were the ones that bubbled to the surface. Thank you!

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I experienced the same locked area on the east bridge. I suspect it was a quest tangling up access, that mightve been locked due to beta limitations.

I had the same thought, but I actually had this happen one other time in a different area. I couldn’t remember where it was so I left it out. I recall the 2nd time that it happened, though, that I tried to fast travel to my destination instead and got dc’d on the loading screen. This is why I think it might have been a zone issue.

Actually had the same issue at the East Gatehouse bridge. I didn’t have the problem on my other characters but only my Druid. There have been other parts of the game that won’t allow me to unlock a gate (north gate at the stronghold lvl 25). But the East Gatehouse bridge is the only one that will stutter step and not allow me to pass.