Favorite Waypoint for quality of life

Can we have a way to set a waypoint as a favortie? I know that if you just press “down pad” you town portal to the capital of the area you are in. But, sometimes that’s not wat you want nor you want to navigate in your map to find the waypoint you want.

When doing Whispers, (or a Hell Tide that happens to have Whispers in it) I just want to quickly teleport back to the Tree, get my cache and get back to the farming. In Hell Tides I need to manually seek the Tree Way Point, and thats kinda annoying.

I think a way to mark a way point as “favorite”, making the down pad button default option could be great for quality life. I dont’ think it is a big issue to implement something like that.

Or there is something like this already in the game and I didn’t notice??

Sadly we can’t do this yet