Familiar testing, applications, bugs

I intend to expand on this thread later when i have more time to test. The bugs i noted were just observed while blitzing through the story.

1] 20% duration from conjurer glyph has no effect on familiar duration. Duration from ‘familiar duration’ temper seems to function as expected.
2] Ability of the game to track the elemental damage type seems wonky at best. Specifically: shock familiars do not trigger vyr’s passive. I expect ice familiars to not trigger Avalanche passive, and so on.


I notice that the skill itself has no elemental tags, so I suspect it doesn’t count as any of Frost, Fire or Shock for the purposes of abilities and aspects that are triggered by casting spells of a particular element.

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Noted the same; it seems to default to fire if you use the skill first thing in an instance, for what that information is worth.

The unique gloves dont help; i used those + talrasha and it only gives one stack, and im not sure what that stack was for lol. Was just before i hopped off so no additional observations yet, ill be messing with it this weekend.

In its current state, i’m hesitent to use it because ill muscle memory what is effective now (if there is an effective use besides free button spam lol) and i wont be happy when they change it, as it needs at a minum bug fixes. The unique gloves are also meh with the limit of 6 and that crazy cooldown, so i hope those get included in the scope of whoever looks at the skill.

Another bug to add, unless I have just been very VERY unlucky. Its enchantment doesn’t seem to summon familiars either. I have tried dozens of times in combat, and out of combat, to try and get them to proc when summoning LS or Ice Blades. They never proc’d.


Oo good one, thanks. I’ll add to the things to test.

Another one is lucky hit rates of the 4 second burn dot. Familiar can be ‘weaved’ in a manner of speaking with you preferred ‘spammable’ skill (the skill used to deal damage when all dots/debuffs/buffs ect are up and running)
Example: ice shards or incinerate (functionally they play in a near identical fashion for me) hold down the skill, and every so often, cadence determined by skill/aspects used, hit the familiar (can also ‘que’ an iceblades cast immediately after familiar use), and during the animation, hold the skill again to fire immediately after. 6 smashi bois in short order on the same target all the same element, in the case of incierate, this has potential to be a heavy dot, especially with hydra on target as well. Add xfals if familiar dot can lucky hit… idk. Theres potential here, im sure some mechanic will mathematically ensure thats its not feasible but untill i test it out, its intriguing.

So, it seems that the move defaults to fire if not equipped on your bars as well, which is why the enchantment is bugged or at least FEELS bugged. For some reason the enchantment effect will only work if the familiar’s element matches the conj. spell. After 15 LS uses without familiar on my bar (auto set to fire) I got 0 procs. Once familiar was on my bar and switched to lightning, I got a proc after 2 uses and after every 2-3 uses thereafter.

Also, Unstable currents will cast w/e familiar element is currently selected. Which means if you don’t have the move learned or placed on your bars, it will always be fire familiars. Kinda seems like it hurts the move IMO to not be casting shock/lightning spells.


I would like to add something, the total inability to see how many of each conjuration I have up. I have a build that is well capable of going over the limit on spears and familiars ( why do we even have caps when spiritborn exist? )

But I cant tell at all, in any way if I have 12 spears up so I can stop spamming spear, or 6 familiars up so I can stop spamming familiars, so I button mash everything and probably am losing out on damage, because I have NO CLUE. If your gonna add caps, let us SEE if we are capped!

( but fr we have zero reason to even have caps sorc aint doin billions of dmg not even close )


The damage on their fire DoT application also doesn’t seem to work properly, I have been attempting a Conjurer DoT build

Familiar tooltip: 305.000/per 4 sec = 76.250 p/second
- Single familiar with a 17 second duration cannot tick for above 2.500 DoT Damage
- Five familiars smacking the target dummy cant bring the DoT beyond 3.500 ticks

Firebolt tooltip: 130.000/per 6 sec = 21.000 p/second
Single firebolt ticks for roughly 4.500 DoT Damage

At this point a single Hydra cast can kill a boss entirely while spamming my familiars at the boss wouldn’t kill it even in 5 minutes. Something is off… Something gives me the feeling this skill is not working how it is said it should.

A single Incinerate enchantment builds up DoT ticks up to 60k per tick and 5 familiars with 305k DoT p/4s cannot tick beyond 3.500 DoT ticks, is this really working as intended, I wonder?

Quite a bummer because I feel on paper it should be able to dish out a considerable amount of DoT damage, but it’s just not working.

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Seems to work if its on the hotbar, dosent work if its off the hotbar, bugs when zoning.

Good to know. I doubt that is intended, but thank you for the information!

Hi again, work was crazy this week so i tested some over the weekend:

  1. Fire dot of familiar seems to be coded like hydra burn, ie no lucky hit capability (could be erroneous but testing was done with 205% lucky hit, no results). Consistant behavior at least.
  2. Shock familiar and ice familiar do not seem to proc vyrs/Avalanche, respectively.
  3. Attack speed does not seem to increase the hit rate (less of a buggy behavior and more of a similarity to lightning spear)
  4. Conjurer glyph does not extend duration.
  5. There is a strange delay in familiar adjusting its element type but only for certain skills; iceblades is one. To visualize this effect, put on teleport enchant and place familiar and ice blades on bar. Dodge and hit familiar immediately, then do the same for blades + familiar. If you’re fast enough, familiar will be shock or w/e element it was prior to casting blades.

I still need to test the elementalist glyph, will do this later today if i can manage. Im not using any shock skills besides teleport/teleport enchant, but teleport enchant then familiar does cause a shock version to cast.

Best use case ive found is to weave the familiar skill with other skills for the 10% elemental bonus:
Im using hydra and ice shards as primary damage dealing skills; 3x summon hydra, familiar+iceblades, shards x 3, familiar + iceblades, ect. having one of the correct element up is a decent bonus to damage, plus cm passive stack. Its very spammy but i def dont mind. It contributes to stagger as well; essentially its purely an ‘augmentation’ skill, used only for the passive benefits.
Are these benifits worth the opportunity cost of another skill or just tossing more shards? Dont know yet. If im going to be casting alot of conjure skills, it might be better to just use the enchant tbh.

quickly tossing out iceblades and familiar at a regular cadence does make rakanoths hit very often but of course this isnt a focus. Looks cool tho.

I would be more confident in using and pushing with the skill if it had less features that seemed buggy.

I first tried the familiars with hydras in an incinerate burn build, it work ok but the fact that all of incinerates damage scaling requires you to cast it continually got kind of annoying since you lose so much damage from incinerate just to recast your buffs.

After finding talrasha ring I tried the switching version to trigger the buff in my all fire build. It worked pretty well apart from the issue that others have pointed out of having no elemental tag for the first cast in a dungeon. managed to scale my burning up to 25M per tick but only for a few seconds before needing to recast the buffs again and losing all the incinerate buffs.

Currently running Fireball build and the switching familiars for talrasha and its working much better.

The fire familiar’s burn is ok, lightning stun passive is awesome and the frost one is pretty meh unless your using it to trigger control glyph or creeping death aspect.

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What makes you say “the fire familiar burn is ok”? In my attempts and testing is seems to not work as described.

He means that as with half our skills it does no damage and is purely there to make on burn effects function. This class is a disaster.

The Familiar Enchant does not interact with the ‘Enchanter’ glyph; there is no +bonus to fire, cold, or lightning max-resistances at all, not even when any of them are summoned. It does nothing. Not sure if it’s intended but seems suspect to me.

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Nice, this is not something i noticed. Thanks for bringing it up.

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The “duration of congeration” no longer is there.
Its been replaced with “crit hit chance” (i believe 20% chance.

It used to be considered a pyromancy tag skill… I believe it was removed (not sure at the moment)…
Even so when im useing the familiar enchantment it works for me…

Its a low chance around 20-25%
You can see if it works ny spamming hydras… a flame familiar should appear every 4 or 5 hydras.

Unless it was bugged in recent patch… im not using right now im using both lightning spear and hydra enchantments at the moment in my build

Hope this helps out some