Extremely choppy on certain situations when FG(Frame Generation) is on

Finally frame generation has returned, and there seems to no issues like crashing. But game client is very very choppy with frame generation when I press alt+tab, esc, or interact with npcs like merchants or smith. In fact it was a bit choppy for a very little moment when I call conquerer board or something before(without FG), but now frame drops are so huge that even makes some headache. I am using 4090 graphics card and it keeps generating more than 120 frames per second to my 4K monitor on many fields, dungeons and towns even with ray tracing features. So I can think this is not my gpu’s fault, and want to listen another gamer’s opinion.

same. this is the only game that I see where FG is extremely poorly implemented. rtx 4090 mobile running 1600p. 22fps in town with RT and FG but 150fps in town w/o RT and FG. crazy difference. not giving blizzard anymore of my money for making future promises. disgusting.

Edit: I have noticed that my gpu wattage tends to drop a lot which explains the huge fps drop when there is a lot going on.

Have you also checked your frametime/fps when click npcs, open world map, or press alt+tab? After enabling fg I’m very painful each time I make some interactions… In my case, opening and closing merchant window makes massive frame drop for a short while. And opening pit portal also drops fps a lot.

yes. when clicking npc I think it will disable FG. Previously before they disabled FG and enabled again, NPC shop will drop to 40-50 but now is more 20-30 fps. I give up RT. I just enable FG without RT for now. It feels like RT w/ FG in this update is worse than before.