Extra difficulty mode suggestion for those that seek death

Would like to suggest an extra difficulty mode beyond Torment IV, not called Torment V, but a different name. In this mode:

  • there are a lot less monsters
  • all monsters are named monsters and extremely tough
  • battles with named monsters typically last for minutes
  • when you kill a named monster you get a unique cosmetic, like a scar or an armor crack, anything that shows that your character survived intense battles
  • most named monsters can cast curses
  • players can only have one curse on them at one time
  • items dropped by these monsters are prefixed with the monsters name
  • this difficulty has poor farming efficiency
  • this difficulty has built in torment stacks and you can only get rid of these through the healer in town
  • whenever an attack of a named monsters hits you, you get control impaired i.e. knocked down or knocked back or stunned or frozen
  • the duration of skills that make you unstoppable or invulnerable is reduced by 75%
  • control impaired duration reduction is the most important defensive stat on this difficulty
  • whenever you defeat a named monster its name gets added to a Collector’s Book of Slain Monsters

This difficulty is for players mostly done with gearing and looking for a bigger challenge.

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The problem with increased difficulty is people who dont want a challenge, gear or skill check will QQ its to hard. Look at all the conversations on the fourms about T4. I had it on semi-faceroll within 12 hours on the PTR.

Hell, people stil complain about non-existent CC.

Won’t work. People would cry because they can’t do it and Blizzard would be reactionary like always and nerf it.

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