Explode on death is not fun

Get good. They add nice challenge.

You tell someone to pay attention while not actually paying attention to what their complaint is about. It is almost like you respond like a chatbot programmed to give trolling responses.

Amazing how people respond to an issue they want the person to have instead of responding to the issue the person actually has. Avoiding multiple exploding corpses is not hard at all for the OP. What the person has found is that it is not compelling gameplay for them.

Exploding corpses slows down the action, creating a game of wait before you move, with the only benefit being your character not being hit. Add in the other methods used to drag out play time, and the question is asked by some if these were made to be fun or were made to stretched out gameplay time?

I find challenge fun. I don’t like things to be too easy.

Agree. It’s way overused in this game, too. Nearly every fight has something that explodes, leaves poisonous fumes, or gouts of flames that are nearly impossible to avoid.

It’s just another lazy way that this company tries to prolong your game time with unfun tactics.

This game is very “floor is lava”

Yeah It so much fun getting packs of poison enchanted, spiderhosts on a deathpulse NMD. Completely irrelevant if you play a ranged build and aids if you play melee.

Fallen Lunatics does need slower movement speed,
less hit points
and deal a lot less damage.

It makes no sense than a fallen trash kamikaze is one of the highest damage over all the monsters we face.

Soon the game will have:

  • Explosion when at NPC (Blacksmith, Occulist etc).
  • Explosion when afk.
  • Extra explosions if the first one didn’t kill you.

I’m sick and tired of this mechanic also. The devs are intentionally making this game miserable with all these exploding deaths…so cheap and lame.

Don’t stand in explode. Pretty simple.

Exploding mobs has gotten to the point that it slows down my gameplay waiting for their animations to finish.

Also, I am really really tired of having to manually click all my loot. One of the great things about Lost Ark is you’re constantly engaged with combat because you’re not clicking every little thing on the ground.

I think D3 had a pet or something that helped you loot. I’m sure they’ll add something like that in time.

As for the explosions, it’s not that bad. I come from a time when rest between fights was literal minutes and now the complaints are over 1-2 seconds. There has to be some balance between challenge and pace. Don’t stand in fire.

This, I enjoy dancing between void zones but especially the poison explosions take way too long to finish. It’s not particularly fun standing next to them waiting to grab your loot.

if only the fire exploding mobs damaged nearby enemies also

I agree, i hated them in D3, so overused and to common as was purple lances or shick lance in d4.

I like the monsters to have a attack pool, not only hurt me if i stand in a timed aoe death circle or such.

I will take CC mechanics all day over these.

I also prefer fighting monsters before they die not get cheesed after they die. LOL.

nah just take away all the skills from enemies

Avoiding the bad game design doesn’t excuse the bad game design. Sorry that my entire point flew over your head.

And even without Pulse, the mob I mentioned would still explode three times. Man, that’s so much better. :roll_eyes:

Its not bad game design because its not your personal preferred game design :rofl:

You’re right, the game would still be bad even if every mob I fight didn’t explode 23 times when I kill it. :rofl: