The download of the new expansion is extremely slow. It started with around 50-100mbps until around 35% then it stays at 20-30kbps with 1GB wired connection.
*I have tried unchecking download speed limits or setting it to 9999999 or whatever number.
Anyone has the same?
It took me about 45 minutes.
Not sure what happened. It started with around 100mbps until 35% then it went down to 20-30kbps and stayed there ever since.
Not sure if I need to do anything else after it finished it says:
Pre-release downloaded (in Green)
Walk away and come back on 30 mins, watching it won’t help.
I’m in the same boat, figure we might see a very small patch at launch, but nothing major. I think we’re good to go though. I’ll also have twitch drops on my channel for once lol.
Same here. Tells me it is going to take over 24 hours to download. Pathetic! I do have other games to play , but that would probably reduce it even further. Hmmm
Go into the settings for Diablo 4 on the launcher. Go to the downloads section. Uncheck the box that says to limit preload speeds.
Already did that. no change
Mine was similar. Really fast for the first while, then slowed down and took hours. I had read that some people were experiencing that, so I just left it to do its thing.
The speed seems to be pretty slow for several moments to several minutes, then jumps to the proper speeds afterwards.
Changing download speed from 1000 to 9999999 Pre download move very fast, few minutes to finish.
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Tomorrow: Day 1 Patch 2.0.2
Mine has said “in Queue” for two days.
Can I just get a refund for the Ultimate edition? I play barb. Not interested in anything else,