Everyone chill... Read this

@goose you are close my friend. I would be okay with an incomplete game IF I COULD PLAY IT! Blizzard screwed the pooch here.

yay found a corpo bootlicking op letsgooo!

@goose I know I know, I was stoopid enough to believe I could actually play this POS.

Oh and you PAID to play my friend.

A solution that would not be needed if only they had built the infrastructure properly, but i guess we have to take it, it’s not like they are the company that pretty much made the MMO genre mainstream, it’s not like they have 20 years of experience and all the needed info to know what was the minimum ammount of players they needed to guarantee can connect at the same time, it’s not like they have more than enough money, just from the sales, to sustain this entire beta for every person that is trying to log in, but then again thanks god you are here to defend them. Sarcasm aside it baffles me how much some people are willing to justify companies that time and time again scam their clients, it seems so insane.

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No, we paid for early access to the beta and to get the cosmetics.

Can’t get said cosmetics if we cant play due to queues and restarts.

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The cosmetics should be awarded to everyone who preordered given the current situation with the unplayable game.


Sorry, they are out of Dr. Pepper.

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No no my friend BETA is not an untested product. This is what your QA teams are for and platform teams to stress test before you release a BETA.

Beta is meant to be quality and stress tested beforehand in a live like environment with simulated loads. Its not the end user who is meant to test it for you otherwise it wouldn’t be released to production environment.

Beta is a release candidate. There shouldn’t be so many issues touching pretty much everyone except the US.

I’m sorry but including early beta access as part of the purchase. It’s part of the deal to entice you to buy the game early. So sorry you’re wrong we did pay to play the beta.

Oh and this isn’t a beta this is a technical test to see if the f***ing authentication servers even work let alone the game servers. More time in queues than in the game that’s supposed to be a beta. What a joke!

Betas are for testing bugs in-game not sitting in queues!! Learn the difference!

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Then tell blizzard to not attach a exclusive beta cosmetic reward for reaching level 20, when they can’t even assure us play time, and a buggy mess. All they have to do is just give the cosmetics reward to those who pre purchased the game and leave the requirement of reaching level 20 to obtain the reward to those who didn’t pre purchase the game.

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The difference here with the d4 beta is that they tied rewards to performance/activity, so folks are upset about that. D3, same crapshow, but the cosmetic rewards were tied to simply having the “collectors” edition or having the beta flag on your account - not actually performing and hitting a certain level.

So yes, its beta, yes diablo launches are indeed “hell” (seems to be a tradition), but tying to performance has people freaking out that they are on a clock to “get the rewards.”

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Exactly - just posted on basically the same thing. d3 - yea we had all of the same freakouts. (Why did they tie to online, this sucks, etc)… none of the perks were tied to performance though.

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Yea! It’s like if they were to tie the cosmetic rewards, they better assure that people are able to get play time. Plus extending the playtime isn’t going to help, those who have a life and needs to work or spend time with their family.

Oh brother this is what i was arguing with a bunch of corporate bootlickers yesterday. Some people here believes that an 18hr login queue is part of the beta. They know who the problem is but as bootlickers they attack people instead of the guilty party: Blizzard. Multi billion dollars and they cant expand or scale their servers to make sure that the players are playing, finding bugs, reporting them and have a conversation in the forums about the game. Now some people are hardstucked in queue and wont even be able to experience different classes, their skills and endgame.

edit: act 1 endgame lmao or at least see the last few skills


Can we be angry that this is a $80 game that is no better than lost ark that is free?

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L take, sorry.
Normally I’d agree but they used “Early Access Beta” as a selling point to get pre-orders among other things offered. Now when this goes into public open beta, your point is 100% valid. Not being able to log in due to an error, and having to resort to using a VPN or other weird methods just to be able to play is ridiculous. This imo is foreshadowing to D3’s error 37 all over again.

It’s crazy I was playing just fine yesterday. I log in today and get hit by that 32403 or whatever the error is. That’s just annoying. Would have been nice with a response at least to what the error even means and why it’s happening to some of us.

I can’t get anything. I crash at character creation, so I can’t even load the game.

I didnt, i went to KFC and got a free code

Does blizzard boot leather taste good? More like a calf leather or a suede you think?